i love you

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  I woke up in my bed and took a moment to adjust to the light coming from the little oppenings that the curtains left. I suddenly felt someone moving beside me and freaked out! Then it came to me. Last night Natsuo spend the night at my room with me.

  We have been dating for almost three months, well tomorrow is our third anniversary to be exact. We decided to go out to a fancy restaurant and after a walk to the beach or somewhere head back home. I know it might seem weird since  I'm just (15-16) but I actually feel ready to have- you know and I want Natsuo to be my first. 'how am I going to tell him though?' I wondered and then felt a soft pair of lips on my forehead.

  "Morning beautiful." The male beside me said. "Good morning handsome." I responded in a cheerful tone. "What time is it?" He asked and I turned to the clock I have on my wall to check. "9:30" "thanks babe." He said and got ready to get up until he realized that we had actually spend the night in the same bed.

  "Ah.. so how did you sleep? Did I take to much space? Did you feel comfortable because I definitely did, it was the best sleep I've gotten in days!" He started question-speaking? I chuckled and gave him a kiss. "Does this answer your question?" I asked and he smirked and leaned in for one more.

  After we separated he pulled back only a few inches and looked right into my eyes. "I love you (n/n)." He said and gave me one last kiss  before he got of the bed completely. "I love you too Natsu." I said and got up as well and went to the bathroom for my daily routine.

I remember the first time he told me he loved me. We had gone to see my parents at the hospital, the doctors weren't sure if they were going to make it and I was very sad. When we arrived there and went to the room they kept them in I felt as if I was walking towards my worst nightmare. Well I guess it makes sense since losing my parents was worst fear until I met Natsuo and included him in the list as well.

  My lovely boyfriend of two months at the time felt my tension and took a hold of my hand as if telling me that everything was ok. We walked in and the view of my parents just a step away from the hands of death made me tear up. I sensed Natsuo panicking a bit because he didn't know what to do. I just stood there when I felt him turn me around holding me into a warm embrace and he started telling me that it was going to be ok and more resuring words. "I-I just miss them." I told him and then actually silently cried.

  "(Y/n)...?" "Yes?" "I promise you that as long as I'm by your side I won't let anything like that happen to you again." He said. I flushed a weak smile. "Why would you do that?" I asked curious as to what his answer would be. "Because I love you (y/n)." He said with a hopeful smile. I was stunned! I didn't know what to say because I was so happy that words wouldn't come out, so I just smiled and gave him a kiss.

  That's when we turned to my parents to see them AWAKE but also stunned. I mean they just woke up to they're daughter kissing a complete to the stranger with tear staned cheeks. Well we explained what happened to them and after a week we went back to our house. I moved as well because I didn't need any help from the todorokis. I do miss them though.

  Anyways back to the present! My parents were out of town for a week and Natsuo gphad came over to stay with me. All of my classmates are going to live at the dorms when school begins but I'll stay with my parents to make up for the lost time and all.

  I went to the kitchen after I was finished with the bathroom and found Natsuo making waffles. I went jpup to him and hugged him from behind putting my head besides his arm and oppened my mouth in a cute way, to signal him to give some to try. He chuckled and ruffled my hair that I actually had spent two whole minutes on making it look good.i made a pouty face and flicked his ear.

  I he gave me a fork with a small bite that had chocolate and a piece of strawberry on it. I sat at the table and observed as he was serving the plates. When he sat down I decided to taste my boyfriends waffles and ate the bite he had made for me. "Natsuo insert Janice's voice because OH MY GOD. These are the most tasty waffles I've ever eaten!" He smiled and let out a hearty laugh at my reaction.

  After we ate I decided to tell him that I wated to move to I think the fourth base? Anyways I stood up and went to sit in his lap. He happily accepted the gesture and hugged me tightly once I had sat down. Then I don't know why but I just clicked the tip of his nose to annoy him because I'm a little shit😈. He moved his head to the side and scrunched his face. After that though he turned back to me and did the same but on my lips and I could feel his mischievous smirk even though I couldn't get a good look at his mouth.

  Ok at least now I know that he doesn't mind with what I had the desire to feel. Here it goes. I took his face in my hands because he had started going lower with his toung. "Ah... Natsuo?" I watched as he looked at me as if telling me to continue. "I-I feel ready and if you're ok with it as well I would like you to be my first and I'm telling you this for you to be prepared with the... protections we have to take if you can." He just stood there his face rednd I could feel him getting a bit um... Hard. "So?" I asked once more. "I would love to have my first time with you." He said and kissed me again.

People get your Holly water ready because the next chapter is going be a good old smutty smut!

Katsikavouro's out!!!!!
To infinity and beyond!
I am so cringy😂

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