first day

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Jorge's POV:

It's a clean slate. A new start.

I try to tell myself that moving to a new school would be a good thing.

I wouldn't say I was bullied at my old school, but I was definitely a nobody. I had a friend group, but I never hung out with them outside of school. They always made plans without me, and when it came time to select a partner for class projects, it became clear that I was no one's favorite.

All I want this year is to make a couple real friends and get good grades. I used to pray for a taste of popularity- all I wanted was to be liked. But I'm not so concerned with that anymore.

I stand in front of my mirror and run my hands through my curls, frowning at the boy in front of me.

I just want to be happy.

I grab a yogurt from the fridge and get in my car. My mom isn't up yet, I'm sure she was up late working. A part of me longed for a "good luck!" , but I know that's selfish of me. She deserves to rest. It's just one day of school out of hundreds. There will be more. This just happens to be the first one.

I pull into the parking lot and glance at my schedule.

1st period- english

I take a deep breath and shake away my nerves. Pushing open the door handles, I enter my new school. Dozens of people I have yet to meet or
understand rush by my face. I take a step forward and am shoved into the stream. I stop at my locker, and make it to english with a couple minutes to spare.

My gaze travels around the room. At one table I see a bunch of people wearing dark clothes. At another, I see sporty kids with letterman jackets. The third table looks mostly empty. Two people sit there, with nothing striking about their appearances. I decide this is definitely the safest option.

I sit down, neither kid looking up at me. As I pull out my new workbook and a fresh spiraled notebook, worry begins to creep into my heart.
My english can be very poor. It's not my first language. I just pray that I won't have to open my mouth. Maybe then no one will hear my embarrassing voice.

The bell rings, bringing on a wave of anxiety in my mind.A pack of football players pile in, joining the other jocks at the second table. My gaze is drawn to a certain boy.

This certain boy wears a tuft light brown hair which fluffs up in the front

This certain boy has deep and rich hazelnut eyes that make my heartbeat dip into my stomach.

This certain boy looks muscular and tough, but with a soft and sweet complexion.

This certain boy has my heart.

I shake the thought away and read his letterman jacket. A football player. There's no way he's into boys.

Especially not boys that are me.


My train of thought is shaken as I realize that I'm being talked to- and that I've been staring.

"I said, care to introduce yourself, Jorge?" The teacher repeats.

"Oh I- I am Jorge Garay. I am- I- I'm from Barcelona." I try to explain.

The table of people wearing black look around at each other and raise their eyebrows. The jocks let out a chuckle. The cute-


The boy with the light brown hair seems to be looking in my direction. I can practically feel his eyes burning into me, picking out my every flaw and insecurity.

I'm so so stupid.

Benji's POV:

I can't pull my eyes away from the new kid. Something about him makes my heart beat differently. When he glances at me nervously I divert my attention back to the teacher.

I really don't think much of him throughout the day, until my next class with him. Chemistry.

He walks into the room a little late, and there's literally no where for him to sit. I feel bad. This hour has all the athletes and hot bitches in it. His small awkward little personality was going to struggle to fit in here.

As his eyes dart around the room fearfully, I know I can't just let him get eaten by the sharks.

"You can sit here." I say, waving him towards the open seat next to me and my friends.

I get a few glares, but I try to shrug them off. I did what I had to.

The teacher, Mrs. Dell,  goes through the syllabus, and then we have time to talk. But Jorge is the elephant in the room. Everyone looks at each other and then at him.

That's when people start talking.

"So, you a fag or something?" Cayman jeers.

Poor Jorge looks around, confused.

"He's Mexican, idiot. He doesn't know what fag means." Caleb interjects.

I roll my eyes. "He said he was from Barcelona, not Mexico, headass. And I'm sure he knows what fag means."

"So, are you one?" Cayman asks again.

The boy looks like a deer in headlights. Carefully he shakes his head no.

He's definitely a fag. I think to myself. I don't share my opinion out loud, though. No need to hurt his ego more.

In the coming classes I try to distance myself from him. I don't like the fluttery feeling I get in my chest when I'm around him. Plus, I clearly can't help him. He's basically already social reject.

I'm half asleep in history, my last class of the day, when I hear my name over the PA.

"Benjamin Krol to the office, please."

"Benjamin" A pretty girl named Addy laughs, teasing me.

I scoff, pretending to be offended as I leave the room. I'm not particularly worried about being called to the office, because I haven't done anything wrong yet. It's probably just a scheduling change.

I walk into the office, and the principal motions for me to take a seat.

"Mrs. Dell told me about the kindness you showed your new classmate Jorge." He begins.

"He just didn't have anywhere to sit." I reply, nonchalantly.

"You're a popular boy, aren't you, Benji?" The principal inquires.

I shrug my shoulders.

"Jorge is having some trouble adjusting to this new school environment. I want you to help him get settled in and be his first friend."

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