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Benji's POV:

"Wait... What?" I ask, sitting up in my seat.

"I'm not asking you to be dishonest with him. I just need you to show him some extra kindness and go out of your way to be his friend."

All I can think about is what my friends will say. Don't get me wrong- I like Jorge. But I would be much more comfortable rooting for him in silence than, well, this.

"Now, hurry on home." He says, shooing me out of his room.

I hadn't even realized that the final bell rang. I walked out to my locker, my friends crowded around it.

"What was that about?" Cayman asks.

"Oh, nothing."' I shrug, reaching for some books.

"It has to be something." Addy says, sliding between me and my locker.

I notice a hint of jealousy in Cayman's eyes as Addy stands so near to my chest. It's obvious he likes her.

"Really, it's nothing. The teachers- They just want me to be friends with Jorge." I wince as the words come out of my mouth.

Everyone just kind of looks at me.

"Are you gonna do it?" Cayman snickers.

"I don't think I really have a choice." I reply.

Addy moves out of the way as I shut my locker.

"Goood luck." Caleb calls out, beginning to walk down the hall with Cayman.

I'm left to walk with Addy as we slowly make our way down the hall.

"I think it's nice of you to be his friend." She shrugs.

"Imagine what the other guys are gonna think of me." I mutter, shaking my head.

Addy stands in front of me and pulls me by the jaw down to her level.

"Who cares about what they think." She looks me in the eye. "You're doing the right thing."

She plants a kiss on my forehead and walks in front of me out of the building.

Jorge's POV:

I walk through the door to my house, hot tears pooling up in my eyes. I try to get upstairs unheard, but a heavy footstep reveals my presence.

"How was your first day?" My mom's voice calls out from the kitchen.

"Good." I yell back, trying not to let my voice falter with tears.

I run up the stairs and lock myself in my room before she can ask any further questions. I stare back at the crying boy in the reflection of my mirror. I had a panic attack in the bathroom after chemistry, I sat alone at lunch, and I was called fag or bitch or pussy too many times to count, today. My first two years of highschool in Barcelona were nothing compared to this one day.

The only thing that made me happy was how the fluffy haired boy- who I believe is named Benjamin- tried to help me today. It definitely backfired, but the gesture was still there. I could easily get lost in his beautiful eyes, something about them alleviated my pain.

But I know there's no way we could even be friends, let alone something more. Especially with his friends always at his side.

When I laid to bed that night, my mind continued to wander back to him. That's when I knew I was in deep.


I pulled myself out of bed. I began picking out my outfit. Apparently my clothing choice made my sexuality too obvious yesterday. I put away the nice pants and accented top I had previously picked out for today. I grab a t-shirt, jacket, and jeans. It hurt to water down my personal style, but it's to protect myself.

I hear my brother making noise downstairs, and manage to slip out the door without him stopping me. Climbing into the car with a sigh, I begin my drive.

Maybe today will be better.

Benji's POV:

I walked into the school, seeing Jorge at his locker. His outfit is definitely less interesting than yesterday. The constant remarks about his style must have made him insecure. With a big inhale, I make my way towards him.

"Heyy Jorge." I say casually.

He looks startled. "Hi B- Ben? Benjam-"

"Benji," I interrupt, "Call me Benji."

"Why are you talk- talking to me?" He stutters,

I shrug. "Because I want to."

He looks as if he's waiting for me to yell at him. Jorge really is afraid. I want to comfort him, but I don't know what to say.

"I'm not going to yell at you, Jorge. Come on, let's go to english." I wave him forward.

"You can call me Jey Jey." He blurts.

Jey Jey. I like that. It's cute.

Walking into the classroom with Jey Jey at my side, my friends all give me a knowing glance. I try to ignore them, and I make room for Jey Jey at the table. Conversation continues like normal, as if he wasn't there. Honestly I don't know if that is a good or bad thing at this point.

Throughout the day I walk him to his classes and offer him a seat by me at lunch, which he anxiously declines. And for some reason, I was sad when he said no. I shouldn't be sad. I don't even like him. But I guess a part of me was just hoping he'd want to sit by me. I wasn't too keen on the idea of being Jey Jey's guide dog at first, but I'm beginning to realize that I actually like protecting him. He's so small and shy. It makes me feel big and-

What am I thinking.

I can't be feeling this way about Jey Jey. I just can't. All I'm going to do is help him through his first week or two. Besides, the spot on my forehead where Addy had kissed me practically buzzed with her touch. She's beautiful. I should be pursuing her, not some boy I just met.

Jey Jey just makes me so confused with myself.

Why do I feel this way about him, when I also feel this way about Addy?

I shove my feelings about Jey Jey deep into my chest. I can still have feelings for boys- But I just can't act on them.

Maybe if I start taking the thing with Addy seriously, I'll stop thinking about Jey Jey like this.

It has to work. So that's it. I've made my decision. Tomorrow I'm going to ask out Addy.

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