the locker room

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Benji's POV:

I spent most of the day in the nurse's office with Jey Jey. He faded in and out of consciousness, though he hardly spoke.

At lunch, I left to go get some food for us. To my surprise, he was sitting up when I came back. His eyes lit up once he noticed me in the doorway.

"Hey, Jorge. I brought you some lunch." I offer, holding up the small cardboard box. It held a slice of pizza. I don't know what he likes, so I got plain cheese.

"Thank you." He smiles.

The nurse confirms his concussion, and says she wants him to go home after he eats.

"Both of my parents work, and I can't drive with this headache." Jorge explains, holding his head in pain.

"When do they come home from work?" The nurse asks.

Jorge blinks, thoughtfully. "My mom has a meeting and dinner until seven, and my dad is out of town."

"I could give you a ride after football." I suggest.

"That sounds good." Jorge settles in to go back to sleep.

I decide to return to class after lunch.

"Benji, did you really-"

"Are you gay?"

"What happened at the party?"


I'm bombarded by interrogations and inquisitive gazes. It all feels a little violating, if I'm being honest. I don't answer anyone, and focus on trying to do my school work. It's hard, though, because all I can think about is my upcoming football practice this afternoon.

From what Jorge can recollect, there were about three or four boys that beat him up, all wearing varsity football jackets. If they would hurt Jey Jey for being gay, I was definitely a little worried for my safety. I could take down one or two boys, easily. But three or four?

I swallow my fear and reimagine the cuts and bruises on Jey Jey. I remember the way I kissed him in the supply closet. And his adorable little smile when I brought him lunch.

It ignites a firestorm of passion in my heart. Nobody can hurt that boy without hearing something from me.


With a deep inhale, I push my terror down my throat and walk through the locker room doors. I hear whispers as people steal glances in my direction

I have my suspects in mind. The blonde was obviously Kyler. The way Jorge described him made it all too clear. The other three had to be Chase Hudson, Kevin Perry, and Jacob Sartorius. They practically never left each others' sides.

As expected, they were all standing together, laughing as if nothing had happened. It makes me sick how little they care about their actions.

"Benji. Surprised you showed up." Chase says, looking me up and down.

Chase isn't the one I'm after, though. It was Kyler that did most of the harm.

I try to keep my head held high and my chest out. The boys glance at me, and I can sniff out a hint of fear in their gaze.

Without warning, I shove my arm into Kyler. He falls backwards into the row of lockers with a clang. It takes all of my strength to keep the bigger boy pinned there.

"What the fuck, Kyler." I snarl, staring the him in the eye.

"God, are you trying to make out with me?" Kyler grumbles, trying to shift out of my grip.

I release a punch from under his jaw, throwing his head backwards. The contact caused my fist to sting.

It was exhilarating.

"Get your hands off of me and stop cheating on your boyfrien-"

He's interrupted by my fist meeting his mouth. He rears back in pain, which only makes him hit the lockers once more. My heart pounds as the adrenaline rushes to my brain.

"Don't ever come near Jorge again." I threaten, and turn towards the other three. "Do you hear me?" I raise my voice.

They nod quietly.

Before I release Kyler, I lean closer to him, looking in his eyes.

"That's fuckin gay, man." Jacob chimes in from the side.

I lift my knee in the air, and Kyler falls back in pain.

I storm out of the locker room. I'm not staying for practice, that was never part of the plan. I just couldn't tell Jey Jey what I was really doing.

I get back to the nurse's office, and he looks up at me in surprise.

"I thought you had football?"

I shake my head. "You need to get home. I can miss one practice."

He carefully gets off of the table, wincing in pain with the movement.

"Let me help you." I hurry to his side.

He drapes one arm over my shoulder, and I bend over slightly so he can use me as support. We slowly hobble out to my car, one shaky step at a time. I hoist him into the passenger seat.

Once I shut the door and get buckled on the driver's side, Jorge pauses and looks at me. Almost like he's trying to formulate the right words to say.

"I'm sorry." He murmurs.

What could he possibly be sorry for?

"For what?" I cock my head to the side.

"That you had to miss football and a bunch of your classes and-"

"I didn't have to do any of that." I squeeze his hand. "I wanted to."

He rubs circles around my knuckle with his thumb and smiles shyly.

As I start the car, I don't let go of his hand. We drive in comfortable silence. The warmth of his hand in mine brings me down from the adrenaline high I had just experienced.

I feel peace.

And comfort.

I keep my eyes on the road, but if it were up to me, I'd stare into his chocolate button eyes all the way home.

[ i'm sorry this chapter isn't so great, i struggle to write action scenes. i try to only put out work i'm proud of, and tbh i'm not proud of this chapter.

but i think the heart of this scene is so important. it shows that Benji really does care for Jorge. it's the first time he doesn't shy away from letting the world know how he feels.

so while i hate my writing in this chapter, it shows amazing character growth for Benji.

i hope you guys enjoyed it, nonetheless. <3 ]

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