friday night lights

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[i feel like this is all really rushed and that everything is happening too fast in this story. I don't want to quit writing it/archive it because there is a handful of people who seem to enjoy this story. I'm just not so confident in this, idk :(

to everyone who continually reads and favorites, tysm. it really means a lot to me.]

Benji's POV:

Today was Friday, meaning it had been two days since I started dating Addy. The whole situation has really blown up in my face.

Cayman won't talk to me or Addy. It's completely torn up our friend group. But we have a football game tonight, and Caleb is throwing a big party at his place afterwards. He's hoping it will bring us all together again. I kind of doubt that it will, though.

But the Cayman thing isn't even the biggest issue I'm dealing with right now.

The whole time I've been with Addy, all I can think about is Jey Jey. She was supposed to distract me from boys, but I'm pretty sure I've been thinking of Jey Jey more than I ever did before. His face takes up my every spare thought. And when I try to relax, my mind always wanders back to him.

What makes matters worse is, he's been terribly distant lately. It started on the day I asked out Addy, which must be coincidental. But a part of me wants to imagine that he wishes he was in Addy's place.

But that's dumb. I look like the straightest straight boy around. He would never think of me that way.

I'm just the nice guy that walked him around school.

And now that I'm with Addy, I ruined any chance I had at being with him. If Addy found out the truth, I don't think I could live with myself.

Walking through my front door, I begin putting  on my football gear, and pack some clothes for the party afterwards.

I grab an extra hoodie,

for Addy.

But I'm not thinking about which hoodie Addy would look cute in.

I'm only thinking of Jey Jey.

Jorge's POV:

"Come on, you have to go to the party." Syd argues over FaceTime.

"No Syd. Benji-" I pause to correct myself. "Benjamin and his friends are all going to be there. It's a football party."

"Nobody really cares about football on friday nights, Jorge." Syd explains, "It's all about sex and alcohol. Maybe it will help you get over that boy."

I just nod my head. I don't want to get over Benjamin. I want him. But I have to remind myself that he does not want me.

"Have you found something to wear yet?" Syd asks.

"Yeah." I hold up a pair of black ripped jeans, with a blue and black pattered flannel that i plan to tuck in.

"Nice. Text me when you get there." Syd waves before ending the call.

I always get really bad nerves before things like these. I'd been to my fair share of parties, but I wasn't as seasoned as most West High kids. I used to drink a lot freshman year, but I've cut down since then. And as far as sex goes, I've never done more than kissed. Which I find a little embarrassing, honestly.

Maybe that will change tonight.

I put on my outfit and run my hands through my hair, trying to decide how to part it. But even once my hair is perfect, I still feel like I'm missing something.

I shuffle through my drawers and pull out my blush. I dust it lightly across my cheeks and smile.


I grab my keys and start to drive to the party. I didn't even attend the football game, because I know I would've just ended up staring at Benjamin the whole time. Addy wouldn't like that.

I get to Caleb's and park on the street. As I walk to the house through the dark, I shoot Syd a text.

As I push open the heavy doors, I'm instantly blinded by the swirling lights dancing against the otherwise unlit mansion. The music pulses around me, echoing in my ears. Bodies instantly press against me, and I'm soon drowned in the crowd.

I elbow my way into the kitchen. I'm going to need to be a little buzzed to get through all of this sensory overload. Drink in hand, I look around for Syd. He hasn't even opened my text yet.

Benji's POV:

The football game had been a success. But, now that I'm at Caleb's, I really could care less.

I've had a few to drink already, but not enough to be drunk. I'm relaxing with Addy on the couch, feeling the drum of the music in my chest.

"Benji, can you get me another drink from the kitchen?" Addy asks, her head resting on my shoulder.

"Sure." I stand up a little too quickly, ready to have Addy off of me.

I'm on my way to the kitchen, when I spot a familiar tuft of brown curls amongst the crowds.

"Hey, Jorge." I say softly, my heart skipping a beat. I almost believe that the music has drowned out my words.

"H- Hi, Benjamin." Jorge looks down at his feet, tripping over his words. It stings how he doesn't call me Benji anymore.

When he looks up at me, I realize that his eyes are all red and watery. He's either totally baked or has been crying. Knowing him, it's the last.

"What happened to you?" I ask, stepping back into my protective role.

He doesn't respond as he stands there, shaking. I think he's having a panic attack.

"Jey Jey, I'm going to take you upstairs. I'll take care of you." I grab his hand, instinctively, and lead him upstairs.

I bring us into the first bedroom I see and shut the door behind us. Jey Jey rocks back and forth, shaking, on the bed. I sit beside him and pull him into a tight hug.

"I'll protect you. Nothing bad is going to happen to you. I love-"

Jorge pulls out of the hug a little and looks up at me.


My face reddens. "I'm sorry I- I didn't mea-"

"Don't be sorry." Jey Jey murmurs, curling up against my chest.

What. Does. That. Mean?

I stroke his hair and hold him close until his breathing calms.

"Do you really love me?" Jey Jey looks up at me with his hazelnut eyes, as we sit curled up together on the guest room bed.

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