1- Byakuran No!

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A boy is walking in the streets of his hometown, looking from left to right, searching for any familiar faces.

He doesn't really want to do this but... A challenge is a challenge. Not to add that he wants to prove to Kurokawa Hana that the people around him aren't weirdos, as she said.

"Oh really?! Then how about you go tell them, let's say... that you are pregnant. See what their reactions are."

Silly. Him? Pregnant?! What is that?! He is a boy! He can't have a baby! They learned that since they were still kids. Pff, silly Kurogawa.

With the total assurance that none of his acquaintances are uncultivated enough to actually believe this nonsense, Tsuna begins to put his certainty into actions.

At this exact moment, he spots Byakuran strolling casually in a deserted park and stuffing marshmallows in his mouth. The white haired teen has decided to stay in Namimori for a while, playing a bit with the Vongolas, after the Arcobaleno's curse is lifted.

"B-Byakuran!" The boy runs up to his once deadly enemy now friend, "I-I have something to tell you!"

"How unusual of you to come see me, Tsunayoshi-kun." The white haired teen replies with a smile in his trademark carefree over-sweet voice.

"Y-yes... emmm..." Tsuna fidgets a bit before finally gathering up his courage and announces clearly, "I-I am pregnant!"

"..." Byakuran stares at him in shock, showing the chewed marshmallows in his mouth.

Well this reaction is to be expected. That guy is literally a genius (one that almost destroyed the world but still one hella genius); there is no way he would believe that a male can bear a baby.

After a few second of utter silence, the white haired man lowers the bag of marshmallows, stares right into Tsuna's eyes and...

"Actually Tsunayoshi-kun, I also have something to tell you... I am pregnant of our child too." Byakuran whispers lovingly, his hands on his slightly round abdomens (actually just marshmallows in there). It is as if he really does have a kid.

Nope. It was idiotic to actually think someone like him would give a decent answer. But this one sure breaks all limits.

"Okay bye Byakuran, I'll never see you again." Says someone as he quickly escapes by activating his HDWM and flies off.

"Tsunayoshi-kun! Wait up! Please take responsibilities!" Shouts Byakuran helplessly like a frail abandoned pregnant wife. "Come back darling, I need you!"

Nope, nope, nope. No way in hell he's going back, thought a certain boy who almost crashed in a tree, shaken by mere words from the white haired teen.

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