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Tsuna stares at the scene unfolding before him. Okay, he did not expect things to turn out this way. Actually, he should've expected it, seeing how much acquaintance he met today. It is no wonder that somehow, they are gathered together. It is a miracle that a fight hasn't broke out yet.

Kurokawa walks toward the boy, her lips twitches into a gloat smirk, "So, how's the baby?"

The usually soft nature teen sends deadly glares to the one who caused it all.

The taller girl just shrug it off, totally unaffected by Tsuna's unusual behavior. To be honest, she really doesn't give a penny what the boy feels. It doesn't concern her after all. Besides, it is really funny to see him like that. "Oh well, the grandma of the kid incoming, Kurokawa going now." She walks away just as leisurely as she appeared.

"Tsu-kun," Mama approaches her son, inquiry clear in her eyes, "What's with the gathering here?"

"N-nothing." Tsuna answers stiffly. He learned his lesson. Never let go of his curiosity. Besides, he is pretty sure that his own mother knows how impossible it is for him to get pregnant... pretty sure... actually he isn't so sure now...

"Really? Not that I am complaining though. I mean, it looks quite fun, but what event is it? I have seen a lot of familiar faces since a while ago."

Tsuna can feel his right eye twitch slightly. Yeah, a lot of familiar faces that totally ruined his day. Wait no, more like ruined his life.

"I-I have no idea." Actually he does have a general idea of what is going on, thanks to his super intuition. And knowing that doesn't really help the fact that he really wants to escape right now. Of course, he would drag Irie Shouichi and Enma with him. Never forget the normal friends.

From the corner of his eyes, he spots Iemitsu walking toward them with a huge smile on his face, the usual.

The older man laces an arm around his wife's waist when he is close enough, and begins to chat happily with her and his son.

For some reason, Tsuna is quite certain that his father already heard of the rumor.

After a while, Iemitsu pulls his dear wife away to chat with some other acquaintance. Although, before going away, he gives a pat on Tsuna's shoulder and winks joyfully, "Congrats, my son."

"..." Tsuna keeps a composed façade, but only he knows how shaken up he really is inside. His dad, his biological father, the man who technically is absent most of the time in his life but still is one of his parents, just congratulated him out of nowhere. There is coincidence; it isn't out of nowhere, Iemitsu knows about it, Tsuna is certain about that.

At this moment, a familiar silhouette seen from the corner of his eyes pulls Tsuna's drifting soul back to his body. He looks up and sees Nono, standing on a quite large platform, a huge smile on his face and eyes twinkling in joy.

For some reason, he wants to run away this instant. And that is exactly what he did, until he is stopped by a weight on his shoulder almost immediately.

"Tsuna, where are you going?"

Somewhere people who won't think he is pregnant are.

"Hn," With this huff, the cold barrel of a familiar looking gun is pressed against Tsuna's temple. "Turn back and wait for what Nono wants."

Is it worth dying in order to escape?


Tsuna blinks innocently and ignores the gun still pressed against his head.

"Hn." A grunt of approval followed by the disappearance of the deadly weight on his head makes the teen internally sighs in relief.

Letting his eyes travel around, Tsuna notices that most of the people gathered here are part of the Mafia.

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