11-Arcobalenos... Just No...

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"I heard that you are pregnant, korra!"

News sure fly around quickly, don't they? Tsuna muses to himself. After so much psychological attacks from his friends, he can proudly declares that he would no longer feel anything, unlike when he first started.

He takes a sip from the juice he bought after encountering Dino-san... might as well not remember such memories.

"You better invite us to your wedding, Sawada." Lal Mirch kicks an unsuspecting Colonello away and declares bossily.

Tsuna gives a side glance to the now grown up adult calmly. After all he experienced, he can maintain his cool without his hyper dying will anymore. "Said the person who got dumped in her own wedding."

Lal Mirch's gloating smile freezes on her lips. Almost immediately, she advances toward Tsuna, her fist high in the air ready to strike, only to be stopped by an even more annoying voice.


Lal Mirch turns her head to Skull, who only realized what he said out loud.

"I-I... I am so sorry- OUAHH!" The helmet wearing baby's head is buried deep in the cement ground, on top him stands Colonello.

"What did you say, punk?" The blond baby asks darkly, "Who the heck do you think you are to-"

He too, is kicked away. Only this time, by his fiancee.

Tsuna stares emotionlessly at the scene unfolding before him. He looks up, notices that it is getting late, so decides to go home or something.

"I should test your strength... even with the pregnancy."

Passing by Verde who came out of nowhere, Tsuna suddenly begins to miss his old life. If only he didn't bother to listen to Kurokawa... After all, even though it was pretty hectic back then, it is still far way better than now. At least it's less awkward, and much less pregnancy problems to deal with.

"My, my. Verde, this isn't the proper way to treat the next Vongola don and his unborn child." A smooth voice rings behind the parting Tsuna, followed by an ugly screech of a machine breaking.

"Tch, you broke my new invention."

"I deeply apologize."

"As if."

Tsuna pounders silently. He met all the Arcobalenos except Yuni. To be honest, he really doesn't want the little girl to know about this crazy situation. One must protect the pure souls, that's what he believes in.

"Sawada Tsunayoshi-san," a sweet voice calls the boy. He turns around and sees Yuni walking toward him with a slight frown, followed closely by Byakuran.

Something is going to happen, and he isn't going to like it for sure... 99.99% chance that it is because of that white head.

"Yuni." He greets her softly, eyes set her face and resolved to ignore the blissful teen behind her.

No hi for Byakuran.

"Sawada-san, I heard about..." Yuni's voice trails off hesitantly before she gets her courage back together and says out loud something that makes Tsuna wish he's being born deaf, "But even so, please take responsibility for Byakuran!"

...What kind of plot twist is this?!

Shooting a murderous glare to Byakuran, Tsuna can more or less guess what happened. The white haired teen must have said something to the gullible Yuni, such as "I am pregnant of Tsunayoshi-kun's child, but he won't take responsibility".

"Tsu-Tsu..." Byakuran begins softly.

Tsu-Tsu?! Tsu-Tsu?! This name is like the unholy offspring of diarrhea and nausea. And coming from Byakuran's mouth with his trademark sweet curl at the end of his sentence makes it even worse.

Without further ado, Tsuna ignores the group, even Yuni, and once again activates his dying will to fly away.

For once, he is glad to have such power. After all, the art to be able to leave is also a very important aspect in one's life.


A/N sorry I don't really remember how Yuni calls Tsuna.

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