10- Stupid Varia

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"Hahahaha!" A loud booming voice makes Tsuna cringe uncomfortably, his tympanum sending waves of pain to his brain, demanding shelter, "That weakling is going to have a kid before you damn boss.

...Looks like the "test" is not working out with them either.

Understanding that he doesn't have anything else to do with this group of psychotic assassins, Tsuna activates his flame and prepares to fly away, only to be halted by an intense gust of fire.

With his guns brandished steadily toward the teen, Xanxus spits darkly, "I'll get rid of the baby and the..." He hesitates for a few seconds, before continuing a tone slightly lower as if he isn't sure of what he is going to say, "Mother..."

So apparently, I am a girl now. Tsuna thinks bitterly, well this is a first today. At least someone listened in their bio class.

"A baby... another mouth to feed, another body to dress. What a waste of money." Mammon the Arcobaleno mumbles under his breath, floating in the air while attacking Tsuna with illusions, following his Boss' wish of course.

"Good, another target for my practice." Belphegor laughs eerily, circling Tsuna with his daggers.

Levi-a-tan stays silent all the while attacking the young boss, but still steal multiple glances at his boss lovingly. God knows what he is thinking right now... actually maybe even God doesn't want to know...

Lussuria is the only Varia member to stay put and do nothing. Or rather, he is too occupied with the idea of Tsuna being pregnant. How lovely, a child! A cute little thing will be born for him to dress up prettily, a cute little thing for him to teach his unique fashion sense. Lussuria can already see the little one, trailing behind him with a mohawk similar to his, calling him sweetly as Auntie Lussuria.

Tsuna freezes the Varia without even a flinch and flies away.

Remember, never annoy a man who has lost his hope. On top of that, never annoy a powerful one who can do illogical things with his dying will flame that has crushed multiple times his enemies, and who has not only saved the world once... Not naming anyone, just saying.

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