17- Fight It Out

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"I still think it's going to be a girl." Adelheid concludes proudly, to which Gokudera snaps back furiously.

"Ehm, excuse you. Juudaime is pregnant of a boy. Know your fact, woman."

"And how did you know what gender the baby is going to be, Mr. Self Proclaimed Right-Hand Man?"

Now this really hit right in the bulls-eye, hard.

"Who the heck do you-" Gokudera struggles fiercely against Yamamoto and Ryohei's grip, "I AM NOT SELF PROCLAIMED! I AM THE LEGIT RIGHT-HAND MAN!"

"Oh sure," Adelheid snorts in disdain at the furious teen, "whatever keeps your fragile glass heart together."

"A-Adel, please d-don't say that." Enma tries in vain to squeeze in between the two, praying for the moment Tsuna is going to come and lend him a hand.

Meanwhile, on the Arcobaleno's side, the discussion is also heated, if not more.

"I am telling you, 'Ciel' is the best name for the baby!" Skull exclaims enthusiastically, his spirit pumped up for the sole reason that maybe, just maybe Reborn is going to be occupied with the new arrival, thus his life as the lackey will end.

"How cliché." Mammon sneers in disdain and floats away back to the Varia.

"How about Aoi? Tsunayoshi is Japanese after all." Fon states calmly, "Maybe he would like to have a Japanese name for the baby."

"Oh really now, it isn't because Vongola is the Sky guardian that you absolutely have to emphasis it." Verde glances at the group before him, "I mean, you don't absolutely have to name the kid as 'sky' or 'blue' or anything that has to do with it, you know?" What he didn't add, was that he prefer to name the kid "Hime", since he always thought that Tsuna looked like a girl...

Colonello nods in agreement to the scientist, "Image how people would call the kid later on, especially if he would be called as 'Aoi Ciel'. It would be ridiculous: 'Blue Sky the kid of the Sky guardian of the Clam family'. Pff, no seriously though, who chose to name the family as 'clam'?"

Everyone keeps their silence. A second later, the expected blow lands on the blond baby's head mercilessly, coming from a certain hitman, "Insult the Vongola family once again and I swear you will burn in hell the next nano second."

Seeing the satisfied grin from the black haired baby, the discussion is resumed as if Colonello never talked.

"I think Ron would make a good name." Lal Mirch continues, "It's short, easy to remember, and easy to pronounce."

"Isn't Ron the name of your pet dog?" Skull asks softly, regretting it as soon as he finishes.

Lal Mirch shots a deadly glare toward the stuntman, "So what if it is?"

"Maa, let's not fight." Yuni smiles brightly, soothing the tension, "We still haven't decided a name for the baby yet."

Reborn tilts his fedora proudly, "Cielo it is then."

OMG Reborn you just took my suggestion and translated it in Italian like did you ever heard of copy-right? Skull sulks internally, not even daring to mumble.

He too, unfortunately, is send flying away by Reborn. It seems like the hitman's mind reading skill is as sharp as ever.

The poor stuntman crashes in a wall next to the Varia. Luckily for him, the group of deadly assassins is too absorbed into their own heated debate that they didn't notice him. And the said debate, believe it or not, revolves around how long has Tsuna being pregnant.

"I am telling you, it shouldn't be too long." Squalo swings his sword around impatiently, "His belly isn't even so big!"

Lussuria sends him a disapproving glance, "Don't you know that some pregnancies aren't that visible? Don't you ever watch those shows with the girl pregnant but unknowing about it because she doesn't feel anything out of the ordinary? Usually, at the first pregnancy, the swell of the belly is visible only after around 3 months. Know your facts, men."

"VOII! Who cares about your shitty facts?!" Squalo swings his sword at a even fast pace.

"So," Xanxus taps on the handle of his chair rhythmically, a sign that shows he is in deep thoughts, "what you are saying is that he is only pregnant recently."

"Ushishishi, are you planning something, Boss?" Bel chuckles eerily while playing with his knife.

Xanxus sneers darkly, "Well, wouldn't it be nice if we paid a little visit to the-" He halts for a second to decide whether to use the word "mother" or "father". Finally, he makes his choice, "-The other parent of the kid."

Smart choice of using the gender neutral, Xanxus.

"Mufufu, are we going to give-" Mammon halts too, finally deciding to follow his Boss' lead, "-the other parent of the kid a 'nice gift'? Money not included."

Leviathan merely sighs dreamily, still caught up in the daydream of being with his Boss, doing this and that.

"Let's go see the other parent then." Squalo agrees too.

The Varia lightning guardian wonders in a bliss when will they have a kid too.

"Muu~ I wonder how the other parent looks like~"

Just imagining their kid, a mini version of dear Boss... Ooooh~ such wonder, much amaze!

"Voii. Who cares about how the other parent looks like, as long as we have that other parent, that brat is going to listen to us."

He just can't wait the moment Boss will- Xanxus' merciless knuckle on the man's head renders him unconscious.

"Fucking trash looking at me like that."

And so, Tsuna's nonexistent partner has being defined as the "other parent" by the Varia minus Leviathan because really, he didn't listen at all, only daydream being with his Boss doing this and that.


A/N A few translations, in case you don't already know.

Aoi means blue in Japanese. So does Ao, but using as name it's Aoi.

Hime means princess in Japanese.

Vongola mean clam in Italian. Well actually I believe it is vongole, but who cares.

Cielo means sky in Italian. I think...

So yeah this is a chapters where I basically ruin everyone's image. I mean, imagine these though mafiosi, discussing very seriously about Tsuna's pregnancy. That is enough to make me crack up in laughter.

I hope there's not much OCC, because I really hate them. And even though this is a crack fic, I try to keep the characters as they are.

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