4- Kyoko and Haru Too?!

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The soon to be Tenth Vongola boss pants heavily, leaning on a tree in a random park. He only encountered three of his acquaintances, yet he is already out of breath and emotionally beaten. Seriously beaten.

Should this challenge still go on? No, continuing isn't such a good idea. He can just go to Hana and tell her that yes, his friends are all weirdos...

But, there is a "but", like usual.

His curiosity is acting up like crazy. He wants to know so badly how they are going to respond him. He will surely be crushed to the ground psychologically, and it will affect the rest of his life (the previous encounters are already starting to leave a scar)...

Is it really worth the risk?

"Ah! Tsuna-kun? Are you alright? You look really pale!"

"Hahi?! Tsuna-san?! Do you need Haru's Haru Haru super love healing kiss?"

Kyoko and Haru.

Let's take a bet, Tsuna decides internally. If they respond normally, which is to say that it is impossible for him to be pregnant, he stops the challenge. But if they don't... then today, he is going to go after everyone he knows until he gets the right answer.

Strictly speaking, this bet is on the favor of stopping the "tell people I am pregnant and see their reaction" stupid act, but... it seems like Tsuna underestimated the contagiousness of weirdness.

"Kyoko-chan, Haru, I am pregnant." Wrong move Tsuna, wrong move.

Kyoko's eyes widen before a sweet smile makes way to her lips, "Congratulation Tsuna-kun, I am so happy for you."


"Hahi?!" Haru stares at the boy, "T-Tsuna-san is pregnant?! Then does that mean... I can't marry Tsuna-san anymore?!" With this, her eyes roll up and she faints from over shock.

This shouldn't be happening.

"Oh no! Haru-chan!" Kyoko catches her friend's falling form, "Tsuna-kun can you help me carry Haru-chan back home- eh? Tsuna-kun? Tsuna-kun? Where is he? He was just there seconds ago..."

Nope, nope, nope, NOPE! This can't be possible. Kyoko and Haru?! No, no, no, NO!

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