9- Dino-san How?!

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"Ah! Tsuna, I was searching for you." A voice pulls the teen out of his trance. After his encounter with Spanner, Tsuna left imediatly to the park, staring at the sky and wondering where did it go wrong, or rather, how come he is surrounded by so many weirdos.

"Dino-san..." The boy sighs weakly.

He saw hope with Spanner, but it turned out to be merely a faulse alarm. That is why, right now, Tsuna isn't even hoping anymore.

"Tsuna, I heard that... you..." Dino frowns deeply, scrutinzing his little brother's tired visage.

The latter nos slightly, knowing exactly what the man means.

"I see... but how..."

Hearing these words, the teen immediately perks up. Did he really hear what he just heard? Dino-san said "but how"? The "but", not the "butt", but the "but" he has being waiting for so long! And this marvelous "how", inquired by so many researchers, that contains the universe's essence! He said it! Dino Cavallone, he said it! He-

"Aww that's cute. I can't wait to become the child's uncle." The cheerful blond laughs delightedly with this subordinates giving thumbs up in the background.

...Of course, joy is always short lived with Tsuna.

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