3- Mukuro Don't!

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"Kufufu, oya? Isn't this Sawada Tsunayoshi we have here?"

How did this happen again? Oh right, he wants to know how other people would react if he tells them the "good new". And somehow, he ends up with Mukuro. Once again, damn his subconsciousness for leading him here.


It is still not too late to back down now Tsuna, you better fly away this instant- warns Mr. Hyper Intuition.

Oh come on! Dude, just tell him that you are pregnant! It's no big deal right? Beside, you are curious of his answer. Don't deny it, I know you do- smirks Mr. Subconscious.

"Kufufu, yes Sawada Tsunayoshi? Are you coming here for me to possess you?"

"No, I just want to tell you that I am pregnant."

"..." The silence greets Tsuna much to the latter's relief. But -yes, there is always a but- Mukuro's smirk wears off, replaced by a grave one, "It is my child right?"

The shock isn't that great since something like that is already expected. Or rather, Tsuna is now more or less insensitive to this kind of response, but still... "I'll never see you again too. Ever." Tsuna says as he escapes- I mean gracefully flies away.

"What do you mean by 'too'?! Who did you- Sawada Tsunayoshi you better give me an answer right this instant! This is my child!"


A/N So I am not really sure how Mukuro calls Tsuna 'cause in the Kokuyo arc he calls him "Vongola", whereas in the future arc, he calls him "Sawada Tsunayoshi", so I am not sure... hope you guys don't mind.

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