5- Reborn Stop!

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Tsuna flies madly over Namimori, images of two of his most normal acquaintances believing that he really is pregnant clouds his thoughts. This is it. He's had enough. Time to find the person who is really sane, kidnap him/her, and leave this nest of psychos.

The young boss, in his hurry to find a comrade, spots a familiar group of teens. He dives in, full speed, only to be halted by a shot.

"Reborn," Tsuna address calmly to his hellish tutor who is blocking his path, strapped to a floating Leon mini-helicopter, "what is it?"

The baby tilts his fedora down, hiding his expression, "I heard that you are pregnant."

The teen ponders for a second, "Do you believe it?" Please don't please don't.

"Hn." A smirk makes way to the dangerous baby's lips, "I didn't think it'll be early, for me to tutor the next Vongola heir that is."


"Well then, I'll go inform the Ninth about it."

...Whatever, Tsuna stares emotionlessly at the disappearing black figure, I don't care anymore.

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