13- Enma The Other Friend! (*cough* must kidnap *cough*)

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Tsuna slows down slightly upon hearing a familiar voice. The very next second, he narrows his eyes in alarm and pulls Irie Shouchi away from an outstretched hand.

No one, I repeat, no one is going to steal the precious red haired friend who listened in biology class away from the young don.

Tsuna gathers his flames in one hand and is about to strike, only to be halted by the familiar face before him.

Is that... yes it is Enma, one of Tsuna's closest friend, grabbing unceremoniously the said teen's prisoner- I mean comrade who has being chosen to live in the wood/mountain (whatever, it's not important anyway) with the soon-to-be Vongola Decimo... Although, if he really chooses to live in the wild, does that mean the Vongola HQ has to move too? Hum... good question...

In any case, Tsuna, slightly annoyed that someone would interrupt him in his much pressing matter of kidnapping- I mean gently taking away Irie Shoichi, frowns at the poor Enma. The latter smiles apologetically to the brunet, before pointing to an already passed out Shoichi.

"Tsuna-kun, you might want to slow down a bit... I think Shoichi-san won't be able to stand it much longer."

Indeed, said Shoichi-san is already throwing up in the background the moment his feet touch the ground.

Tsuna shows an apologetic expression, but makes no further indication nor desire to let the poor teen go home. No kidding, normal friends are precious, there is no way he would let any escape.

"Enma-kun, what are you doing here?" Tsuna averts his attention to the other read haired teen.

"Well," Enma scratches his head awkwardly, making sure that what he is about to say is well structured and won't come out weird, "I heard that you are pregnant?"

...Well, it is almost impossible for such question to not sound weird, especially asked toward a male... mainly toward a male...

Tsuna keeps his silence. To be honest, he anticipated that much. After all, never underestimate the power of gossip, and that, he knows. That is why, the fact that Enma caught wind of his "pregnancy" really doesn't surprise him.

However, what surprises him comes right after, "But how is that possible? Unless you had some kind of surgery...?" -Or you were a girl all along? The last part was left unsaid.

Tsuna can feel his lips tug up considerably until he is roaring in laughter.

...Oh my, look at that, another friend has arrived.

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