16-Nono No...

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A/N No pun intended in the title ;D


Every soul dipped in the underground's darkness knows about the absolute taboo: never ever talk about Neo Vogola Primo's pregnancy... at least when talking about it, make sure that he wouldn't know.

The official release of the taboo stated that the young don was so annoyed at that ridiculous rumor, one that started, cough, out of nowhere apparently, cough, decided after his inheritance to make it an absolute taboo, still according to the official version. Actually, that was the first thing he did right after becoming Neo Vongola Primo.

What most people didn't know, however, was the true version of what really happened to have the young don be remembered as the mafia boss who forbid people to chatter about his pregnancy first thing he got his hand on power.

So, let's testify the absolute truth with our own eyes.

That day, right after Nono announced the date of the inheritance, he has requested a private audience with the soon to be young boss.

The older man sits down on a sofa and indicates Tsuna to sit beside him. He only begins when his subordinate closes the door respectfully, leaving the two alone in the room. "So, Tsunayoshi, I have heard from Reborn about your condition." The old man smiles kindly to his only successor.

Tsuna can feel his eyes twitch uncomfortably. Alright, no big deal, Reborn did tell him that he's going to report to Nono, no big deal, no big deal... who is he kidding to? He can't feel even a vibe of shock from his grandfather. This isn't normal, meaning that Nono is probably (most likely) to think that he really is pregnant.

It is alright, Tsuna comforts himself inwardly, it's not like it never happened before, right?

"So, what do you think about it?" The old Boss asks gently.

...I think that all the people I know are insane, especially people from the Mafia.

Of course, he can't actually say that, so Tsuna opted for a softer reply, "I am fine with it..." His voice trails off weakly. Hell no he is not fine with all this bullshit going around.

First of all, he didn't get any surgery.

Secondly, he is not hermaphrodite.

Thirdly, he is NOT a girl.

Finally, he really listened in class and his teacher said loud and clear that normal men who didn't undergo any surgery or born with an uterus can't be pregnant.


"Is that so." Nono, seemingly unfazed by Tsuna's unfocused attention, pats the youngster's shoulder. "You know, I was a lot like you before."

This catches Tsuna's attention.

Hold on... does that mean that Nono also had this kind of problem? The everyone-thinks-you-are-pregnant-even-though-you-are-a-boy kind of problem?

Oh. My. God.

His throat squeezes with the envy to shout out in absolute joy. Finally! He isn't alone! Someone, and not anyone from the street, his grandpa understands him! He understands his helplessness facing his guardians and friends, the strong desire to blow something up just to let go of this frustration, to take a huge megaphone so he can yell over and over that he isn't pregnant!

"I mean, it's not everyday that you succeed a Mafia family, is it?" Nono laughs lightheartedly, "I remember my own nervousness like it was yesterday. Time sure flies."

...Oh. It's just about the Vongola.

Tsuna forces a smile and nods along with the old Boss.

Empty hope again. No really, why is he expecting again?

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