7- Lambo and I-Pin Enough!

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Tsuna eyes impassively the two kids before him. They are playing around loudly like usual, completely unaware of the young don's struggle.

To ask, or not to ask: that is the question.

"Nyahaha! Lambo-sama spotted Dame-Tsuna!" The cow child's arrogant laugh makes way to Tsuna.

"Lambo! Behave!"

To ask it is.

"Say... would you two like to play with my child?" He pauses for a second before adding the crucial part, "I am pregnant."

The two stares at Tsuna, dumbfounded. After a while, just as a bit of colour finally gain the teen's once pale cheeks, a certain cow hits the poor boy back into hell.

"Nyahahaha, Lambo-sama is going to make him my minion!"

You don't even know if it's a boy or girl- wait, I am not even pregnant! Damn it I am being infected too!- thinks Tsuna bitterly.

"Can we play with your child?" I-Pin asks politely, surrounded by an aura of joy to another potential playmate.

Alright, enough with this none sense, time to leave.

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