20- Vongola Family, the Family That Has No Borderline Whatsoever

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A/N For real now this is the last chapter.


Vongola Primo was pregnant.

"Wait what?! How come I never knew that?!"

Asari looks up from the papers lying innocently on the table, then smiles sheepishly, "Sorry Giotto, I forgot the 'Neo'."

The blond ghost pouts in annoyance. How can the swordsman possibly read wrong? It is just impossible; everyone knows that people using this kind of weapon have extremely sharp eyes so to be able to see through their opponent's techniques, and also to use their surroundings to their advantage.

"Nufufu, please continue the report." Daemon chuckles eerily, slightly annoyed that his supposed boss interrupted the tale.

After the battle against Tsuna, Daemon didn't vanish. It is not that he wants to stay in the ring, rather, he is bound by it, unable to leave. To his annoyance, he didn't find peace. Giotto came to see him every day with a smug face, bragging about how strong his great-great-great- let's just say descant, is.

To be honest, now that he finally founds something interesting (to finally shut down the blond's exasperating mouth), he isn't going to let it go so easily.

Daemon is a patient man, and it seems like his patience has rewarded him. "Let's see if they know who is this fearless fella that dared plant an egg in our favorite Tsunayoshi." Now really, Daemon mutters curiously, either the boy is weird, or he is actually a girl. Better use the gender neutral anyway.

G stares at the illusionist, silently judging the latter's use of word. No really, "plant an egg"? Really? Can't he say it with prettier words?

"Hn," Alaude snorts in disdain at Giotto, "probably a one night stand. Not surprised seeing who the ancestor is."

The no longer young but still looks young boss jumps up in fury like a cat that has its tail stepped on, "How dare you say that?! I am very innocent!"

Knuckle, who was about to say someone on Giotto's behalf, closes his mouth and looks away hearing the latter's exclamation. Innocent, yeah right. Who was the guy that blackmailed him cleaning up his mess from Alaude? Who was the guy that dragged him to a restaurant and accidentally ended up in a brothel? Who was the guy that hid in the most remote corner of the mansion just to escape paperwork, and said paperwork ended up becoming the poor priest's task?

Fucking Giotto. That's who.

Unlike the priest's silent accusation, G snorts in disdain in his friend's direction. "You are everything but innocent, Giotto. Stop lying to yourself."

The blond makes an offended expression, clasping his hands over his chest with a wide open mouth, "G... how could you... I thought we were best friends..."

"Yeah no ain't nobody go time for your shit."

"Ehm..." At this moment. Lampo raises his hand and indicates others that maybe, just maybe, they should stop spacing away like they always do and focus on Tsunayoshi's matter.

"Right," Asari smiles sheepishly, "so, the report states that Tsunayoshi-kun is pregnant. Giotto, anything to say about that? I mean, you should know about it, don't you? Tsunayoshi-kun has the Vongola sky guardian ring after all."

The blond looks away, shifting slowly further from his friends, "Ehm, you know, I don't eavesdrop on my dear descendant so..."

"So you were outside, wandering around like usual." G finishes for his friend.

"Something like that, yeah..."

"You do realize you could be exorcised, don't you?" Alaude states coldly, adding oil to the fire. "Not to add that now, we can't know what is really going with the brat."

What a sneaky way to reach your goal, Alaude. As expected of the head of CEDEF as well as the head of a secret intelligence agency.

Seeing the accusing glances from all his friends, Giotto scratches the tip of his nose sheepishly and promises to go check on his descendant right away.

After making sure that Tsuna is alone, he appears in front of him, fully dressed formally and acting like the "serious" boss he is.

"Tsunayoshi-kun." Giotto giggles wildly inside, amazed at his acting skills, "I have heard about some rumor concerning your health."

"Primo!" Tsuna jumps in surprise. Why did Primo show up? Please, oh please, don't be anything related to the pregnancy incident, "It is nothing, please don't worry about it."

"I heard that you are pregnant?"

...Awkward! Giotto inwardly smacks his head. He didn't plan on asking about it so soon. After all, this kind of touchy subject has to be brought on smoothly... Oh well, he messed up.

Tsuna twitches his eyes, calming down the irritation building up in his chest. It is not that he is mad at Primo or anything; he is just reacting to the p-word. Even if a few days passed since, the incident has left quite a scar in his mind.

"No, Primo, I am not pregnant."

Giotto nods in apprehension, chats a bit with Tsuna and disappears back in the ring.

"So?" Lampo comes up and asks curiously, "What did he say?"

Giotto keeps silent for a few seconds, actually displaying a rare expression of severity.


The guardians lean closer seriously.

"...Is definitively pregnant. He has the same irritated scowl on his face, just like my dear wife when she had our baby."

Poor Tsuna. Even your ancestor thinks that you are pregnant... Have fun with that.


A/N This is my first time ending a series, so I am really excited and feeling accomplished. Hope you enjoyed this story.

Please review? I want to know what you guys think about it.

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