14- Okay Basil Whatever You Say

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"T-Tsuna-kun, where are you taking us to?" Enma asks nervously, sweeping the sweats pearling on his forehead with his sleeve.

"Honestly," Tsuna looks straight before him, forcing- I mean pulling an exhausted Irie Shoichi in his direction, "I have no idea myself."

"..." I WANT TO GO HOME ALREADY! Irie Shoichi is on the verge of crying. He excels in technology, not in physical exercises! In only a few hours, Tsuna already forced him walk almost the equivalent distance to how much he walked in his entire life so far.

Well son, you shouldn't have questioned Tsuna's pregnancy to begin with.

"Sawada-dono!" Tsuna turns his head to the voice's source and sees Basil running toward them in haste.

For some reason, Tsuna has great expectation for the teen. The once lost hope is starting to build up inside him. He already found two, and maybe Basil will be the third.

The young Vongola's lips tug up considerably, sending shivers down Irie Shouichi's spine.

God no, not this smile again.

"Good day, Basil-kun."

"G-good day Sawada-dono," Basil stops in front of the group abruptly, panting slightly from all the running he did since a while ago in order to find Tsuna, "I have a message from Boss. He has arrived in Namimori a few hours ago and wishes to see thou."

Tsuna raises his eyebrow in surprise, wondering if Nono came because of the "pregnancy" affair.

He turns his head to look at a startled Irie Shouichi, and a confused Enma.

If he goes back to see Nono, these two are going home. After all, if the old Boss came from Italy to Japan in such a short time, he probably has something private to tell him, whether it is the pregnancy rumor or not.

Well, Tsuna lets go of Irie Shouichi's arm, he know who are sane and who aren't, so he can just capture them after Nono is done talking.

"Let's go then." Tsuna nods to Basil, indicating the latter to show the way, almost making a certain glass wearing teen faint from over joy.

Home sweet home. Irie Shouichi has decided, from this moment, to never leave his room ever again. He has enough of being dragged to an unexpected and quite unpleasant trip with Tsuna. To be honest, he secretly thinks the latter is slowly going insane, bringing others with him.

"By the way, Sawada-dono, do thou know if it is a boy or a girl?" Basil asks politely.

Tsuna closes his eyes in exhaustion.

...No really, why did he even get his hopes high for?

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