19- That's All Folks

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"I am telling you! It is a boy!" Gokudera roars loudly, unconsciously drawing attention from the people around him.

"That makes it easier," an infant's voice cuts in the loud bickering, "Cielo it is for the boy then."

"Reborn-san!" Gokudera wails happily, delighted that the world ranked first hit man is implicitly agreeing with him.

Enma shifts uncomfortably, knowing that a certain someone isn't going to be too happy about it. Now, seeing that Reborn came, and his mere presence made the group calm enough to at least not be on each other's throat, he begins to pray that Tsuna doesn't come out, a wish opposed to the one he did a few seconds ago. After all, he noticed how irritated his friends was all day whenever someone mention the pregnancy. Although, he still doesn't understand how all this charade began.

"How can you be sure of it?" Adelheid eyes the hit man, showing more respect, "What if it is a girl?"

Julie waltzes to his girlfriend and grins widely, supporting her argument, "How about we walk Tsunayoshi-kun to the hospital and do a scan? I am sure there will no longer have any dispute after the test."

"Oh!" Yamamoto exclaims, "That's one good idea."

"Let's extremely take Tsuna to the hospital later!" Ryohei roars loudly, his enthusiasm brings a few to exclaim with him.

The Varia sends quick glances to the quickly enlarging group, their plan to "meet" the other parent becomes more urgent. It seems like the mob still didn't think of this yet, they have to act quick before someone-

"Kufufu, what do you think you are planning to do to my unborn child?"

If someone were to drop a needle right this instant, it could be heard miles away, showing just how silent the large extravagant dining room is.

"Haha, that's funny. I clearly remember that Tsunayoshi-kun is pregnant of my child, just like I am of his." Byakuran laughs eerily, his slender eyes burning into the illusionist's.

With this said, the silence remains, but a suffocating tension is added.

Yeah, better scram away now, Irie Shouichi. And that is exactly what he did, dragging Spanner to safety, totally determined to get away from this bunch for crazy sadist Mafiosi.

It seems like he calculated just right. The moment he and Spanner step out of the mansion, a loud explosion could be heard, followed by various smaller ones. One second of lingering could probably cost both their life.

Spanner whistles, impressed at the shock wave, completely unfazed by the possible violent scene inside. Rather, he would like to go in and gather some data. Unfortunately for him, the usually soft natured and wimpy Irie is keeping an iron claw on him.

On their one sided course to find shelter, they meet Iemitsu and Nana, who stroll casually toward them from another direction. It seems like the older man understands how destructive the youngsters inside are and wisely took his wife out for "a walk". They nod to each other, and separate themselves since, well, it seems like someone wants to spend some quality time with his wife and would greatly mind if being disturbed by two brats.

Indeed, a few minutes earlier, seeing that the situation is rapidly turning violent, Iemitsu made up an excuse and took Nana far away. In his saying, it is to leave more room for the youngsters to form bound together with fights, but really, he just wanted to spend more time with his dear wife alone. The CEDEF also got the order from their head to evacuate immediately all non-combatant to safety.

Meanwhile, back in the mansion that is no longer recognizable, the epic fight continues. Box animals are released, people are flying everywhere, some crash into wall whilst some others punch them into walls.

What a wonderful sight.

It seems like the medics are going to get busy.

Meanwhile, unnoticed by anyone, Reborn slips away from the fight and enters the room Tsuna and Nono are in through a different door.

Once he is inside, he greets Nono politely. Then, upon getting the authorization from the elder, he presses on a remote control, making the lights fade and a giant screen descend from the ceiling.

"You might have heard of the commotion from outside since awhile now." He begins slowly, a glint of amusement twinkling in his dark eyes, "I now present you the live footage."

A scene of carnage is shown, clear and vivid. Flames of all color are being freely lit, flying all around the room and burning everything. Some walls have huge holes in them, testifying the level of intensity and violence that is happening right now. Screams from the audio system echoes in synchronization with the screams outside. The once elegant dining room, glamorized with the finest decorations shipped from all over the world, is destroyed beyond recognition.

Tsuna sips slowly the hot chocolate Nono gave him awhile ago. The warmth of the liquid is so calming he wishes time could stop. No really, he really wants the time to stop right this instant so he doesn't have to deal with whatever is wrong outside of this room.

"Tsuna, you better go peace out the situation." Reborn tilts his fedora with his gun to his student, a silent warning Tsuna has already learned not to ignore. "They are fighting for you." The hit man boldly stares at the teen's flat belly.

Without much of a choice, the teen puts down the cup of warming hot chocolate on the table, discreetly inhales a few times to calm his nerves down, puts on his gloves and activates his dying will. Needless to say, he looks more ready to face death than going out to pacify those guys, especially not after knowing why they are fighting in the first place.

Kicking the door that has separated hell from heaven, Tsuna immediately rushes in. Without giving even time for the people there to react, he freezes them. Every single one of them, frozen together in a huge chunk of their own iced dying will flame.

Seeing that things have being taken care of, Nono walks away, his pace light and happy. When he is sure that Tsuna won't hear him, he whispers to his trusted subordinate's ear, something about "making sure" and "medical diagnostic", his smile never leaving his lips the entire time.

"Yes, Boss." The man bows respectfully toward the older Boss and goes to accomplish his task...

One can never be sure. After all, this is a matter concerning Vongola XI... better check everything right.


A/N So yeah, this is just pure crack. The thing about why everyone just assumes that Tsu is pregnant can remain a mystery. He didn't get any surgery done, not a girl, not hermaphrodite, and I personally find Mpreg really gross, so no. Just, you know, everyone thinks that he is, so he is even though he isn't... get it?

I hope you understand the end. I don't want to make it too explicit, but Nono totally believes that Tsuna is pregnant. If you didn't get it... that just shows how bad I am at writing. Also, I hope that you don't mind the lack of description on Tsuna's guardians and all the people featured in the previous chapters. You know, I am a lazy ass...

Anyway, thank you, every single readers who crossed this fic, for reading it and bearing with my mistakes. I might consider fix the grammar and syntax errors one day if I feel like it (probably not).

This is the end of this fanfic, thank you all very much.

P.-S. Actually I don't like the number 19 so I'm going to update one more chapter on how the first generation perceives Tsuna's "pregnancy"... probably...

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