Chapter One

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Jake's POV

I woke up to my alarm going off meaning it was time for school. I laid in my bed looking at the ceiling before getting up and taking a shower. I was already dreading this day. I got dressed then went downstairs quietly to not wake up my father who is asleep on the couch with a bottle of vodka next to him. I made myself a bowl of cereal before going outside and walking to school with my headphones in my ears.

Colby's POV

I wake up to Aaron yelling at his videogame. I groan and grab my phone checking the time then i got up and went downstairs. I opened the fridge revealing nothing inside of it. "Great" i groan and go back upstairs to get dressed and ready for school. I decided to wear my famous black ripped skinny jeans with a nirvana tshirt and a leather jacket on top. I brush my hair and put on my vans before going downstairs. I see sam sitting on the couch with corey and devyn. "Good morning" devyn says smiling her warm smile. We all get in our cars and leave for school. As we walked in girls and boys were staring at us. No one knows im gay. Not even Sam.
Jakes POV

I was getting my stuff from my locker and i see my friend Brennen come up to me. "Hey did you hear about the huge party happening tomorrow night?" I look at him and hum "no i didnt" i said. I look over and see him walk into the door. Colby Brock. He is the definition of perfect but he is famous and popular. Im just me. My family doesnt know im gay the only ones who know are Brennen and his mom, Lisa. I sigh and look away leaning my head against the locker "you ready to go?" I ask him as i start walking away. Brennen walks after me and puts his hand on my shoulder "dont worry maybe we could go to the party and he will be there?" He says. "Yeah but even if he is there he wont notice me at all. I mean look at him he's like a god." I say while looking at Colby leaning on his locker talking to some girl. I look away and continue walking until we walk into my classroom. "So are we going to this party tonight?" Brennen asks. I shrug "i guess" i sit down and take out my text books. Colby walks into the classroom and sits down in the back. "Colby Brock you are late again." Mrs. Tate says. "So what are you going to do about it." He shrugs and smirks to her. Damn how is he so perfect. Mrs. Tate just sighs and starts teaching the class.


I put my stuff in my locker and i hear yelling. I look over and see Sam holding Brennen against a locker while his girlfriend, Kat is trying to pull him away. "Im sorry i didnt mean to!" Brennen says frantically trying to get out of his grip. His stuff is scattered all over the hallway. "He didnt mean to babe it was only an accident!" Kat yells at Sam as he shoves Brennen against the locker again before letting him go and walking away. I walk over to him and help him pick up his stuff then we walk out to his car. "I accidentally bumped into her.. i tried to apologize.." he says crying. I rub his back "it was an accident B, its okay" i say. He nods and starts the car and drives to my house to drop me off. "Ill text you" i say getting out of the car and walking to my house as he drives off. I sigh and walk into the door "Where have you been" my father says slurring his words. "I was at school dad.. im going upstairs now" he grabs my arm and pushes me towards the door. "Get out!" He yells at me while throwing a empty bottle at me. I go upstairs and grab my stuff texting brennen while wiping my tears.

J- hey.. can i stay there tonight?

B- yeah!! We can stay up all night playing video games! Ill be there in 5 minutes!
He is such a good friend. Hes like a bother i never had. I grab my stuff and leave the house and sit on the side walk waiting for him to pull up.

My Saviour~Colby Brock/Jake WebberWhere stories live. Discover now