Chapter Three

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Jake's POV

I wake up to Brennen's mom screaming at him about pills. I got up and walked downstairs just to see Brennen laughing and tic taks all over the floor "what happened in here" i asked looking around. "Brennen pranked me on a YouTube video and acted like he was taking a bunch of pills" Lisa, Brennen's mom, screamed at him. Shes going to beat his ass. "Oh ill leave you to beat him up and im going to go take a shower" i said quietly, i walked upstairs and grabbed my bag before going into the bathroom and turning on the shower. I sighed and pulled out a small container before stripping out of my clothes and getting under the warm water. I opened the container and pulled out a small razor blade, i sat down while playing with it in my hands, i then put it to my wrist and slowly started to drag it across while blood started coming out just to be washed away by the water. I sighed and tried to stay quiet so that no one could hear me cry. With each cut i did i repeated every word my dad has said to me. Soon i had five cuts on each wrist, i put them under the water to wash the blood out of them, it stung but when i got out of the shower i dried them off and wrapped them up. I put on a black long sleeve shirt and sweatpants, i went to the living room and asked Brennen if he wanted to help me dye my hair. We got into his car and went to the store buying red and blue hair dye. We decided to do a half and half hair color. Brennen wanted to get some condoms in hopes that he would find a girl at the party. While we were driving home Brennen looks at me, he sighed "Jake i heard you crying while you were showering" he looked at me again and we met eyes. "Im sorry i was trying to be quiet" i said as i looked out the window, he sighed and stayed silent knowing it was going to matter if he asked any questions. I never told him about my father, i never talked about my mother to him. She died when i was 8 years old and it hurts to talk about her so i hide my emotions until im alone, then i break. Brennen doesn't know about my scars, i dont want him to worry about me.

We got back to the house and we dyed my hair, after i dried it and brushed it, i was looking at it in the mirror and i really like it. It looks great, i thank him before we go to his bedroom and played video games. I checked the time on my phone and it was 8:30 pm, we went and got ready, i got dressed in a black nirvana hoodie and my favorite yellow plaid skinny jeans. I put on my black converse before we had Lisa drop us off at the party. I took a deep breath and we walked into the yard "this place is almost as big as my dick" brennen said seriously making me laugh. I looked over and saw a shirtless Colby Brock staring at me! He was staring at me! I blushed and walked inside with Brennen, soon we disappeared into the crowd. I was leaning against the wall alone while Brennen went and got himself something to drink, he came back grinning like a mad person. "What is that face for?" I said disgusted "oh well maybe the fact that COLBY BROCK JUST ASKED ME ABOUT YOU" he said yelling the last part. "What are you talking about? There is no way in hell" i said shocked. Brennen looked at me and shook his head "go talk to him! Hes in the kitchen" i nodded walking to the kitchen to get a drink. I saw Colby leaning against the counter drinking out of his cup, i acted like i didnt see him and i poured my drink. "You dont seem like the drinking type" i looked over at Colby before looking around to see if he was talking to someone else. "Yes i am talking to you, Jake right?" I nodded slowly my face red "im sorry im just confused that you are talking to me" i bit my lip softly. "Honestly i think you are pretty damn hot" Colby says in a confident voice. I swear i almost chocked on my drink, i mean Colby brock is talking to me! THE Colby Brock! "Me? I think you are confused" i said laughing slightly before taking another drink, i saw him stand straight up before he took the drink out of my hand and put it on the counter. He smirked as his hands were on either side of my and our faces close together, i could feel my face growing red "i dont think i am" he said as he glanced down at my lips. I gulped, what was happening right now. Before i knew it i felt his lips against mine. Holy shit Colby Brock is kissing me! Sparks are flying and his lips are so soft! I thought as i kissed him back, blushing softly, he pulled away and looked at me "has anyone told you how soft your lips are?" He said looking into my eyes, i wanted more of him. "No one has actually.. that was kinda my first kiss.." i said awkwardly, he smirked then kissed me again, pulling me closer to him by my waist as i wrapped my arms around his neck. I pulled away and blushed bright red and he smirked at my grabbing my drink and walking away after winking at me.

I walked over to Brennen, my face still bright red, he smiled at me asking what happened. "He kissed me Brennen! Colby Brock kissed me!" I whisper yelled so only he could hear me. "No way! Thats awesome!" He said shocked but also happily, he jumped up and down and hugged me. I laughed quietly at his childish behavior, we talked for a little bit longer before a girl with red hair walked over to us. "You need to stay away from my boyfriend" she said while crossing her arms and giving me a bitchy look. "Im sorry what?" I looked at her confused. "Colby Brock? Yeah my boyfriend. Stay away from him. Hes not gay. Even if he was he wouldn't go for someone like you." She was giving me a really bitchy attitude. I bit my lip and walked to the front door before walking out of the house and breaking down crying. Brennen walked out of the house and found me having a panic attack "hey she was lying, shes just a bitch" he said while rubbing my back trying to calm me down. "No she was telling the truth.. he wouldnt g-go for someone like me" i said in between my sobs. Suddenly the door opened and brennen looked up and moved away from me.

My Saviour~Colby Brock/Jake WebberWhere stories live. Discover now