Chapter Seventeen

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Jake's POV

Brennen sped down the road as me and Tara were hanging out the car. It was moments like these where i am so happy i am here and alive. Brennen had his shirt off and his swim shorts on, they were snake print. I decided to take my shirt off as well and just enjoy the wind, i was wearing my hot pink swimming shorts. Tara decided to take her shirt off as well, showing her bikini underneath, her bikini was white with leopard prints on it. This was the life. Three best friends, no drama. Brennen pulled up to the beach and we all hopped out of the car, Tara stripped immediately and ran to the water making us laugh. Brennen ran after her with me following them. Once we all hit the water we laughed, Tara smiled at me "this water is really cold but it feels amazing" i smiled and went under water before coming back up "i know right" Brennen swam around us acting like a shark.

A couple hours after we got out of the water we laid down in the sun, Tara was sun tanning while Brennen went and got his towel out of the car. I heard someone sat down next to me so i looked over and saw Colby, i rolled my eyes but he couldnt see through my sunglasses. "Yes?" I asked him quickly. "I wanna say sorry for dumping stuff all over you today at school" i took off my glasses "you arent sorry or else you wouldn't have done it. You have been treating me like shit lately." He sighed "no seriously colby you probably should go before Brennen comes back." I looked at Tara as she said it, he stood up "come over tomorrow and ill explain" he walked away and i put my glasses back on, Tara fake gagged as Brennen came over "damn i didnt know i was that ugly" i laughed as she rolled her eyes.

We got up and walked to the car, "want to do it again?" Brennen asked as we got into the car. We both nodded and hung out the car as he sped off down the road, music playing loudly, it was darker outside and the sun was setting. It was absolutely beautiful, we sped all the way home. We decided to have Tara stay over for the night.

We stayed up all night and talked, we were laying outside on the trampoline. "Where do you guys hope to be in 5 years?" Tara asked us, i looked at her "i hope to be here with you guys. You guys are my bestfriends and i love you" Brennen smirked at me "i hope to become big on youtube, i want to travel around and meet fans." I elbowed him gently making him laugh "i hope to finally find a boyfriend and have a good job" i smiled at her "i hope we are always together" Brennen said genuinely. I smiled at them and look at the sky, i nodded "we are already inseparable" Tara smiled at me then looked at Brennen "lets make a pact that if we arent dating someone by age 40, that we will get married" Brennen agreed and i smiled at them before getting up and jumping on the trampoline "get up losers" i said laughing making them get up.

How did i get so lucky?

My Saviour~Colby Brock/Jake WebberWhere stories live. Discover now