Chapter Eleven

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Colby's POV

I can tell something is wrong with Jake, every time i wake up i see him laying down and staring at the ceiling. When he realizes that im awake he just smiles at me. I dont want to bother him about it but i can tell something is wrong. I sigh and get ready for school, i go downstairs meet up with Sam and his girlfriend. We drive to school and walk in together like normal, i decided that today will be the day that i ask Jake whats wrong. I don't want him to feel like he needs to hide anything from me, i will support him always.

I see him putting things in his locker, where is Brennen? I walk over to him as he closes his locker "oh my god Colby you scared me" he yells with his hand over his heart. I chuckled and smiled at him "im sorry i didnt mean to scare you" i say as i hugged him, kissing his head. "Where is Brennen?" I say looking around, he smiled at me before kissing my cheek "Brennen and Lisa went out on vacation for the week." I nodded and looked down starting to get nervous. He noticed and looked concerned "are you okay? Whats wrong?" I took a deep breath and looked at him, i cleared my throat.

"Lately ive been noticing that when you wake up, you stare at the ceiling and look deep in thought... i can tell something is wrong and i wish you would talk to me.." i put my hand on his cheek and look into his eyes. I watch as he looks at the ground and swallows nervously "okay ill tell you but.. not here" i nod as we walk out to my car "my house or yours?" I asked him as i opened the car door. "My house" he said looking out the window as i drive, i look at him and bite on my thumb gently.

We get to his house and i pull into the drive way, i turn off the car and get out, i walk to his side and opens the door for him. I havent been here since the incident happened. He walks up to the door and unlocks it, he picks up a dog. He closes the door behind me and walks to his room. It was fully decorated, he had pictures set up around his room and on a shelf he had a small teddy bear, he had his bed made perfectly. He sat down and crossed his legs before gesturing me to sit down, the dog laying down in between his legs. I sat across from him and turned my phone off. He cleared his throat "well... when i was eight years old, my mom was taking me to school. We lived a little bit out of town. I was in the backseat.. i dont remember all of it exactly... but um... my mom got a phone call so she took her eyes off the road to see who it was.. when she looked up a semi-truck was coming at us.. so she swerved out of its way and ended up going off the road and down a hill... the car kept rolling and i kept screaming for my mom... the doctors said it was a miracle i even survived..." he wiped his eyes as tears were coming out "when the paramedics got there, i was barely alive i made it out with three broken ribs and my arm snapped in four different places, i was severely cut up and bruised and barely breathing... my mom died on the first roll.... we rolled the car at least 5 times. As soon as i recovered and went home we never talked about the accident.. hell i still never talk about it. When i was about 10 or 11 years old i started to notice my father drinking more and more." I saw him look down and take a deep breath, i grabbed his hand "As my dad started drinking more he became more and more violent. He started to call me some pretty bad names and he would occasionally hit me. By the time i was 14 he would throw his empty alcohol bottles at me. I would always clean up the mess, i would constantly clean up broken glass. He would always tell me that if he ever found out that i was attracted to men he would kill me." He smiled "its funny i had a huge crush on you back then and i didnt even realize it until a year later.." i looked at him shocked.

"Anyway, i put all the empty bottles and broken glass in the trash before taking it outside. One day i was taking the trash out and Brennen ran up to me and immediately called dibs on being my friend.. he was my very first friend. By the time i was 17, which i am right now, my dad would still abuse me. I ended up hating him. I cought onto a bad habit. Well one day i came home from school, this was the day before we met, i walked into the house. My father was drunk like normal and he kicked me out of the house. So i moved in with Brennen.. he doesnt know about any of this." I looked at him sadly and wiped his tears "there is more.." i nodded listening to him talk. "I used to go to a therapist every week, i was diagnosed with PTSD, Bipolar depression and Chronic Anxiety disorder. I was self harming sometimes 5 times a day. I was at a low time in my life.. Brennen dragged me to this party after i moved in with him. Thats where you met me. I liked you for so long that when you talked to me i was in a huge shock." He smiled at me "you actually helped alot these past couple of months" i kissed him softly before pulling away and smiling at him. "Thank you for telling me.. i know it must have been really hard to do" he nodded and wiped his eyes. I smiled at him.

Im never letting anyone hurt him ever again. And that is a promise.

My Saviour~Colby Brock/Jake WebberWhere stories live. Discover now