Chapter Seven

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Colby's POV

Its been two weeks since Jake got out of the hospital and i wanted to make our relationship public. I cant stand not having him beside me.

Colby💙- can you come over today i want to film a video with you

Jake😍🤤- 5 minutes and ill be there

I smiled at the text, i love him so much. I set up the camera and tried to get it centered. I looked up as i heard my door open and i saw jake standing there. I smiled and kiss him softly before pulling away. "I want to film a coming out video" i looked at him and he looked shocked. "Babe you dont have to" i smiled and laughed lightly "i want to" he hugged me and kissed my cheek. I looked down and saw him wearing a Take Chances hoodie. "Repping the merch i see" i smirk at him and he sits just out of camera view. I push record on my camera and sit down and do my intro then i continue talking "today isnt going to be like any other video, you see ive been hiding something from you. I want everyone to know that i am still me but something about me has surfaced to everyone besides just me. I am gay." I took a deep breath after i said that and i heard jake chuckle at me, i looked over at him and smiled "i have another thing to announce in this video! I have a boyfriend!" He sat next to me and smiled and waved at the camera. "Guys this is my boyfriend, Jake, isnt he cute!" I laughed at him rolling his eyes "i want all of my fans to know that this doesn't change who i am. Im still me, just a happier version of me. With my second half." I pointed at him when i said that, i feel him grab my hand. Jake smiled at the camera "Guys Colby really is the sweetest" i look at the camera "you heard it here guys im the sweetest" i felt Jake softly punch my arm and i laughed softly "any way ill see you guys in the next video! Thank you for supporting me and staying by my side! I love you guys, bye!!" I ended the video and he smiled at me and i kissed him and went to the desk while he watched me edit the video. He smiled and looked at me "its perfect." I smile at him and push the upload button. I posted it on social media and went back to YouTube seeing the comments coming through. He smiled when he saw that the fans accepted us. "Now i can show you off on social media and at school" i smirked at him as he blushed.


I smiled when i drove up to the school doors, knowing that as soon as i walked in he will be standing there at his locker talking to Brennen. We got out of our cars, Sam and Kat were together, Corey and Devyn were together. We all walked into the school and alot of heads turned to look at us then i saw Jake looking at me. I walked over to him and smiled "hey cutie can i get your number?" He rolled his eyes and kissed my cheek. We walked to class together and i sat in the back while he sat in the seat in front of me. He held my hand under the desk and i smiled. Since we uploaded the video fans started finding Jakes Instagram and followed him.

When it finally came time for lunch Jake and Brennen sat with us and we all talked. "Colby have you read the comments on the picture of you and Jake" Sam said like he was weirded out. I pulled out my phone and looked through the comments and laughing at a few of them "so this comment say 'I bet the sex is crazily kinky' what the hell" i said while laughing i looked at Jake and he smiled at me. Kat looks at Jake and smiles at him "Jake do you want to go to the mall with me and devyn later?" I smiled at him as he nodded his head. He is so cute. Suddenly we hear a bunch of yelling and i look over at where it is and i groaned and looked at Jake "come on" i said to him as i held out my hand. We walked away and into the hallway someone bumped into me and i gave them a death glare and i scoffed as they kept walking. "Do you hate the fact that we havent don the deed yet?" He looked at me curiously, i smiled at him "of course no, i respect that fact that when you say your ready then you are ready. Im not going to pressure you into anything." I kissed his hand after i finished my sentence. He looked at me before kissing me passionately, i hummed kissing him back.

I was at home filming a video with Sam, we were waiting for Jake and Kat to walk in the door. They went to the mall together leaving us home alone. I decided to watch YouTube, i go onto the app and scroll down to a video, Brennen Taylor? Jake's friend has a youtube channel? I clicked on the video and shook my head at it. I feel someone jump on my bed, scaring the shit out of me, i looked at Jake sitting there smiling. I hummed and locked my phone before pulling him into a kiss, his lips taste like smores. Definitely my new favorite flavor. Jake pulled me closer to him, deepened the kiss in the process, i feel him crawl on my lap straddling me with his arms around my neck. I grabbed his waist and kissed him deeper, licking his bottom lip, he let me in. My mind is going crazy, this feels so amazing. As i hold his waist i rub my thumbs against his stomach, his warm skin feels great under my hands, i slowly move my hands down one was grabbing his thigh while the other one was resting on his ass. I could definitely get used to this.

My Saviour~Colby Brock/Jake WebberWhere stories live. Discover now