Chapter Twelve

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*No one's POV*

Colby woke up to Elton calling him to come downstairs. He groaned and got up and opened his bedroom, immediately seeing elton holding a camera with Scotty next to him. Elton put a blindfold on him and walked downstairs, they went outside and Elton positioned Colby where he was in the middle of the walk way, Scotty spun him around before they started counting down and took off the blindfold just as a giant hand filled with shaving cream came down and smacked him, knocking him into a ball pit.

Colby cleaned himself off and decided to text Jake.

Colby💙- baby what are you doing today? Im bored and just got smacked with a giant hand filled with shaving cream!

He never got a reply which made him upset, usually Jake answers his texts right away. He decided to go to his house instead, he got up and changed into a black Take Chances hoodie and black skinny jeans. He walked downstairs and grabbed his keys before leaving the house and getting in his car. He put his phone on the AUX cord and started driving. When he got Jakes house, he went up and knocked on the door. No answer, so he decided to call Jake but it went straight to voicemail. He groaned and sat in his car texting before starting it and getting ready to drive off. He saw Brennen's car pull up in front of the house, Colby shut his car off and walked over to Brennen's car. "Yo is Jake sleeping or is he out doing something?" Colby asked Brennen starting to get worried. Brennen looked at him confused "he should be in the house?" Colby nodded and followed him to the door, they both walked inside and heard silence. Colby walked to Jake's room before knocking in the door, no answer so he just opened it to see an empty room. Now he was starting to get worried so he yelled for Brennen, he looked confused "let me call my mom maybe she knows"

Lisa- hello?

Brennen- hey mom, do you know where Jake is?

Lisa- did you check the couch? Last time i was home he was asleep on the couch after he took some cold medicine

Colby went to the living room and checked on the couch, he saw a pile of blankets with Jake's head only popping out. Brennen hung up the phone and smiled before walking into his room. Colby uncovered Jake and picked him up bridal style, he carried him into his bedroom and layed next to him. Jake looked so cute when he was sleeping, his nose was red from having a cold and his hair was sticking up everywhere. Colby smiled at him and took a picture of him sleeping, he looked so peaceful.

Jake started to move and he opened his eyes and looked around see that he was in his room, last thing he remembers is falling asleep in the living room. He looked over and saw Colby on his phone, he rolled over before sitting up slightly. Colby looked at him and smiled "good morning sleepy head" Jake rubbed his eyes before sniffing. Jake layed back down with his head on Colby chest "i feel like shit" he mumbled in a rough voice. It sounded like he was losing his voice, Colby rubbed his back gently and kissed his warm forehead. He definitely was sick but Colby didnt care "you have white stuff in your hair" Jake said while looking up at Colby, he groaned. "Elton pranked the whole house today. We all got a huge hand full of shaving cream to the face. Sam started bleeding." Jake's eyes widened "is he okay?" He said worried "yeah he's fine. He was wear his retainer and it cut his gums" Jake nodded before laying his head down. "I think im dying" Jake said in a serious tone, Colby chuckled "you arent dying on my watch" Jake smiled lightly and kissed his cheek.

Jake and Colby fell asleep together, but that didnt last very long. Lisa came home and sat on the couch while Brennen talked to her, he pulled out his phone and a white bag filled with white powder came out with it. Suddenly Lisa started yelling at him about drugs, Jake and Colby jumped awake from the sudden yelling, Jake groaned "why does he always do that" Colby looked confused "do what?" Jake looked at him "he pranks his mom constantly and posts it on his channel" Colby shook his head "id never prank my mom like that" Jake kissed his cheek before walking into the kitchen flipping Brennen off on the way "oh sorry did i interrupt your sex?" Jake  rolled his eyes "no we were sleeping asshole." He walked away hearing Brennen laughing loudly. Jake opened the door to his bedroom and saw Colby on his phone scrolling through Instagram while frowning. "Whats wrong?" Jake said while laying down next to Colby, he locked his phone and ran his hands through his hair "nothing" he said with a fake smile. Jake frowned and sat up before getting off the bed "youre lying and i dont like it." Colby sighed and sat up before handing Jake his phone "some fans are saying some hateful things about you. Thats why i didn't want to show you" Jake was reading the comments with tears in his eyes. Maybe he isnt good enough for colby. Jake cleared his throat handing him his phone back "im going to take a shower.. i dont feel good" Colby sighed and shook his head "i know what you are planning on doing in the shower. Jake im not stupid i can see the hurt in your eyes." Jake started to cry and hugged Colby. Colby wrapped his arms around him and rubbed his back "baby you are good enough for me.. if anything im not good enough for you. But i love you and nothing the fans say will change that, okay?" Jake nodded slightly "okay.. i love you.." he said sniffling and wiping his tears.

Colby kissed his head before laying back down and pulling Jake down with him.

My Saviour~Colby Brock/Jake WebberWhere stories live. Discover now