Chapter Fourteen

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Jake's POV

I looked at him blankly, i heard him clear him throat "you arent doing the talking you oh so wanted to do." I said to him coldly. He flinched at the tone of my voice "i need to tell you what happened, it wasn't how it seemed like it was" i rolled my eyes before taking a drink of my hot chocolate and handing the empty mug to Lisa "i was laying down in my room trying to sleep, i guess i forgot to lock my door or something.. that guy walked in and shut the door, he was clearly drunk.. he came over to my bed and i asked him to leave but he didn't." He started crying and Lisa looked at me sadly "he climbed on top of me and i was trying to push him off when you walked in. I saw you and pushed him off me and ran after you, it wasnt what it looked like Jake.. i only love you" i looked at him and shrugged. "I dont believe you" Lisa looked at me as i said that and Colby put his head down on the table before completely breaking down. I looked at him shocked and Lisa walked over to him and hugged him "you tried Colby im sorry.." she said as her voice broke and a tear came out of her eyes. I just sat there shocked at what just happened, i tried to stand up and i did for a second before i fell down and eventually passing out.

I woke up in a hospital bed, i groaned and looked over seeing Brennen sitting there, he called for a nurse and walked to the bed "welcome back brother" i chuckled and smiled at him "you remember anything" i shook my head "i dont.. last thing i remember is we were getting ready for someones party.. im not sure whose party though" he looked at me and looked confused "you don't remember whose party we went to?" I shook my head "we went to Colby's party" i looked at me confused. "Who?" Just then the nurse walking in with Lisa and a boy. Who is that? He looks familiar. "Im glad you are awake honey" i looked at her before looking at the boy "im sorry but have we met?" I asked the boy and he looked shocked before he looked at Lisa "Jake do you not remember him?" I shook my head "im sorry but i dont.." as i said as i saw him start crying "Jake that's Colby? Your boyfriend?" I shook my head "im sorry but i dont remember" i looked at Colby crying "oh please dont... dont cry... im sorry i don't remember..." i saw him walk out of the room crying. I feel so bad, i mean he seems really sweet and he is very cute. The nurse said i could go home, as we walked out of the room i saw Colby sitting in a chair crying "sorry give me a second" Lisa nodded and walked to the car with Brennen. I sat next to him "im sorry i wish i could remember.. the nurse said i would get my memory back eventually.." he shook his head and looked at me "its fine" he said as tears were falling from his eyes, i saw him playing with a ring. "I um.... i bought this ring for you.. i was going to give it to you at the party..." he said handing me the ring, i looked at the ring before looking at him sadly "maybe you can help me remember you?" He shook his head and wiped his tears "its not good to force it.." i looked at him sadly as he walked away.

I walked to the car and got in the back "why cant i remember him?" I said while looking at the ring . "Just give it time, you will remember him.." Brennen looked back at me and saw me playing with the ring. "He got you a ring?" I nodded and handed it to him to see "he said he was going to give it to me at the party.." he handed the ring back to me as we pulled into the driveway. I walked to my room and sat down and put the ring on, i looked up and saw Brennen come into my room. "The nurse said not to force it but i cant see you like this" he clicked on a video on youtube, i watched it as Colby showed up on the screen doing his intro. I watched it then i saw myself on the screen and heard him introduce me as his boyfriend. I saw a bunch of memories of us being a couple showed up on the screen. "I remember... how could i forget. Ill be back" i said as i ran out of the room and sprinted down the sidewalks until i got to the trap house. I took a deep breath as i was panting from the running, i knocked on the door loudly i saw Sam open the door "whoa hey, did you run here?" I nodded and panted "is he here?" Sam moved over letting me inside "yeah he is in his room" i ran upstairs to his room. I dont care what he did at the party i needed him. I knocked on his door repeatedly, i heard sniffling then a groan and he opened the door, i hugged him tightly "what is going on" he asked me confused "i remember.. i remember everything" i felt his hands shaking against my back "then why are you here? Why are you hugging me?" I looked up at him before grabbing his wrapped hand gently "yes what you did hurt, but i understand that it wasnt your fault, i should've listened to you earlier that night.." i looked at his hand "i was blinded by my own feelings to not think about the way you acted when you saw me" i saw tears in his eyes "Colby i forgive you" he let out a choked sob and he hugged me tightly.

My trust is broken, but i cant live without him. Ill try to fix things.

My Saviour~Colby Brock/Jake WebberWhere stories live. Discover now