Chapter Two

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Colby's POV

When i get home i see elton filling up our living room with balls "what the hell are you doing?" I ask confused. "Im making a ball pit for the party tomorrow night" he says as he continues filling the room. I walk upstairs quietly shaking my head. I am not looking forward to this party tomorrow there isnt anyone interesting that comes. Xepher is going to be there unfortunately, she always hits on me and she cant seem to take a hint that i dont find her attractive at all. I dont even find girls attractive. I run my hands through my brown and blue hair and change into a pair of sweatpants and a Take Chances hoodie. I sit down on the couch in my bedroom and set up my camera to film a video for my YouTube channel. I knock on Sams door which is right across from mine. "You want to film a video with me?" I asked him through the door. "Yeah give me like 10 minutes" i sighed and walked back into my room. This is going to be a long week.


I woke up to a bunch of screaming and i groaned and sat up and i went downstairs and walked outside to the backyard just to see Elton jump off a giant platform built next to our pool. I went to my room changing into my swim trunks and yelling out my window "ELTON I WAS TRYING TO SLEEP" i walk downstairs and i sit on the edge if the pool. "Look whos finally awake" elton says as he jumps into the pool splashing me in the process. We all jump into the pool and have some fun before we all go inside and i go upstairs and grab a towel then i walk into the bathroom and turn on the water. I step into the shower and wash my hair and my body. I step out of the shower and wrap a towel around my waist. I look in the bathroom mirror fixing my hair while singing along to the song thats playing on my speaker. I walk into my bedroom and go into my walkin closet trying to decide what outfit i should wear i decided to wear black ripped skinny jeans with a red flannel. I then go back into the bathroom and start blow drying my hair as i sing 'MaMa' by My Chemical Romance. I look at my phone to and check the time. I have about three and a half hours to get the rest of this party set up. I put on my black shoes and go downstairs.

I see them struggling to put together the stripping pole. I mean im not going to be watching any girls strip on it. I ignore them and go into the kitchen and start getting the alcohol out. I lined the bottles up along the counter with red solo cups next to them. I stepped back and looked at it "what am i missing" i mumbled to myself before it clicked. Ice. I put a small cooler filled with ice on the counter i looked over and saw Elton filming with his vlog camera. I walked over to help them with the stripping pole then i went over and set up the music. I went over and turned off the lights and we looked around at the house decorated. By the time we were done people started to show up i walked over to Sam "can i talk to you upstairs real quick?" I said quietly so only he could hear me. "Yeah what's up?" He says as we walked upstairs and into my room, i sighed "i have something i need to tell you that i havent told anyone. I trust you because you are my bestfriend." He sat down and just stared at me confused. "Well.. im attracted to men.." i say awkwardly while rubbing the back of my neck. He looked shocked "i was not expecting that" i look down and sighed "you hate me now" i looked at him. "No bro! Not at all! Youre still my brother!" He said hugging me. I smiled while we were hugging i felt so relieved that he accepted me. We then both walked downstairs where the party was starting. I saw Elton filming someone riding a bike into the pool. There was at least 100 people just in our backyard and in the pool. I feel like this is going to be our biggest party, later tonight when the party is in full blast Krewella will be playing on top of the ball pit.


The party was at full blast and Krewella was playing and more people kept coming in. There was at least 700 people in the house and backyard, with all the people in the house it was super hot. I went out front to cool down and when i got out there i immediately took my shirt off. It felt amazing to be away from everyone grinding against eachother. I took out my vape and hit it a couple of time i looked over blowing out smoke just in time to see a really attractive guy walking up with someone. He had red and blue hair that reminded me of cotton candy, he was wearing yellow plaid skinny jeans with a chain on it and a black hoodie, he had the cutest smile. I couldnt look away and i saw him look at me, his face turning red and he looked down. Damn he was beautiful, i want him. The two boys walked inside and i couldnt help but watch him walk in, he has a very nice ass. I followed them inside then went into the kitchen to get a drink but i couldn't find the cotton candy haired boy anywhere, i sighed a took a drink of the fireball i just poured into my cup. Just then i saw the boy that the cotton candy haired boy was with, he walked into the kitchen to get a drink, i looked at him "hey, whats your name?" I asked him as i leaned against the counter. He looked at me confused and pointed to himself, i nodded and asked him again. "My name is Brennen.." he said confidently "Well Brennen i have a question for you" he looked at me like i was crazy "that guy that you cane here with, with the cotton candy hair, whats his name?" He looked down and smiled, laughing slightly "his name is Jake" he said before walking away. Jake. Very attractive name for a very attractive guy.

My Saviour~Colby Brock/Jake WebberWhere stories live. Discover now