Chapter Nineteen

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Jake's POV

I walked out of his house pissed off. So he was cheating on me with Bryce this whole time. Im so stupid, i wiped the tears from my eyes and drove away. I dont know where i was going, i just decided to drive, this hurt alot. I parked in the middle of an abandoned parking lot and i threw the ring out the window and picked up my phone

Jake- im done, we are over. I actually loved you. If you want the ring back its in a hundred pieces in the middle of a parking lot. I dont ever want to see you again. You ruined my life. Fuck you Cole Robert Brock. Fuck you.

I then threw my phone out the widow, shattering it and i drove away. I went to Taras house and knocked on the door. Tara opened the door and saw me crying, she pulled me into a hug. "What happened?" She asked after letting me inside. "He told me to come over so we could talk, well when i opened the door he was on top of Bryce Hall, he had scratches all over his back, he was also only in his boxers." I rolled my eyes before drinking my coffee. Tara looked shocked "why didnt you call me?" I looked down "i was pissed so i drove to a empty parking lot and threw the ring he gave me out the window and sent him a very hateful text before throwing my phone out the window as well." Tara shook her head and hugged me, rubbing my back "im sorry Jakey" i just shrugged.

Tara and i drove back to my house and saw Brennen sitting on the couch eating a popsicle. "Fuck i want one" Tara said in a sad voice, Brennen laughed and got her one. "So how did it go?" I looked at him and shrugged before walking the the fridge and grabbed my own popsicle. "Oh not good.. well i have an idea" we both looked at him as he grabbed the keys to his truck "get in the fucking truck losers" we all laughed and went to the truck before getting in. He reved the engine before speading down the road, i definitely need this, i smiled at them before hanging out the window.

Im going to miss this.

My Saviour~Colby Brock/Jake WebberWhere stories live. Discover now