Chapter Fifteen

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Jake's POV

I sighed and looked at Colby who was asleep, for some reason it didnt feel the same as it was before. I looked at the ring and took it off before putting it in my pocket, i walked downstairs to get a water. "I dont think i met you before" i looked over and saw two men, the one who was talking was tall and had darker skin, he had a nice smile "sorry let me introduce myself, my name is Kevin, Kevin Langue." I shook his hand, and smiled "its nice to meet you im Jake" he smiled and i looked at the other guy. He stood up and walked over to me "Im Bryce Hall, a close friend of Colby's, but he probably talks about me alot to you" i furrowed my eyebrows. He looks familiar but i cant place my finger on where i remember him from, i shook his hand before walking back upstairs. I saw that Colby was awake when i opened the door, he smiled at me "your close friend is here" he looked confused "who?" I saw him sit up "he said his name is Bryce Hall" i watched as he jumped up quickly "ill be back later" he said before changing and grabbing his keys leaving the house. I decided to walk home, bad decision because it turned out to be raining outside. I groaned "just perfect, first i get ditched then im left to walk home in the rain." I sighed and kept walking.

By the time i got home i was drenched, it was really cold so when i walked in the house i saw Lisa freak out. "Oh no jake youre going to get a cold! Go take a warm shower and ill make you some hot chocolate!" I nodded while shivering, i go to my room and grab clean clothes and got in the shower. It felt amazing on my cold body, i washed my hair watching as the hair dye was coming out, maybe its time to change hair colors. When i got out of the shower i walked to the kitchen, Lisa handed me a warm mug and put a blanket around me. "Jake why did you walk home in the cold?" I took a drink of hot chocolate "Colby left before i could ask him for a ride home and i left my phone here.. im sorry to worry you" she looked confused "Colby left you alone?" I nodded "yes ma'am" she looked confused and shocked.

I heard my phone ring so i paused the game i was playing with Brennen.

J- hello?

C- hey. Sorry to leave in a hurry, i was expecting you to be here when i got back.

J- i wanted to go home so i just walked.

C- in the cold and the rain

J- yeah why?

C- sounds peaceful. Well i got to go ill text you later.

Before i could say anything else he hung up, that was weird. I ignored the weird feeling in my stomach and started playing the game with Brennen again. I missed this. I looked at my phone as it kept beeping, i grabbed it and saw Sam texting me

Sam- hey are you here?

Jake- no im at my house, why?

I got no answer so i just ignored it. Why is everyone acting so weird today. Brennen decided to film a video so i left the room and went into my bedroom. I was so tired so i decided to lay down.

Ill ask everyone tomorrow.

My Saviour~Colby Brock/Jake WebberWhere stories live. Discover now