Chapter Ten

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Jake's POV 

I was leaning against my locker talking to Brennen. Colby wasn't here yet, he is always late. I was listening to Brennen talk about a girl he likes, suddenly i feel someone tap my shoulder lightly. I turn around and see a short girl with purple hair. "Im sorry to bother you but im lost and cant find where any of my classes are.. today is my first day.." she said looking embarrassed. I smiled at her "let me see your schedule and i can help you out" she handed me her schedule and smiled, we were standing very close to each other. "Im sorry but you never told me your name" i said looking at her, i saw Colby walk into the school. "Oh im sorry" she giggled "I'm Tara" i smiled at her "im Jake" she smiled and took her schedule. Colby walked over to us and looked at her annoyed. I cleared my throat "you have Mrs. Tate first hour, so just follow me, okay?" She nodded and smiled. She walked to her locker and Colby looked at me "who is she" he said sounding pissed, i looked at him shocked. "Shes the new girl.. she came up to me asking about her schedule... why are you mad?" I put my hand on his cheek "if you are jealous you dont have to be. I love you and only you Colby" he sighed and kissed me passionately. I hummed in his mouth kissing him back with the same amount of passion. He pulled away and smiled at me and i held his hand, i saw Tara walk back over to us and she smiled shyly. "Tara this is my boyfriend-" she cut me off "Colby Brock" she blushed and looked down "sorry" i looked at Colby and chuckled "are you a fan?" She nods slowly. I nodded and started walking to class with Colby's hand in mine, Tara and Brennen following behind us talking.

We sat down Colby in the back, me in front of him, Brennen next to Colby and Tara next to me. I was turned around talking to Colby, he smiled at me before glancing down at me next and smirks. I rolled my eyes and kissed him before turning back around.


It was lunch time in 5 minutes and i was so bored and also a little bit horny. I kept thinking about that night, i touched my neck and smile. I heard my phone beep so i took it out and saw Colby texted me.

Colby💙- what are we doing for lunch baby?

Jake😍🤤- well i know what i want for lunch

I smirked as i wrote i text and sent it.

Colby💙- what do you want for lunch?

Jake😍🤤- you daddy

I smiled and put my phone away, the bell rang and i went to my locker to put my stuff away. I felt strong hands on my waist and i turned again to see Colby and i smiled and leaned against my locker "hi baby" he looked me up and down then into my eyes. "Come on we are going home" i smirked as he pulled me to his car, he opened my door for me as i got into the car. He got into the car and started driving to his house, he had his hand on my thigh, he looked at me and smirked.


He led me inside and up to his room "strip and get on the bed" i looked at him innocently and smiled "yes daddy" i said as i took off my shirt making him groan. Then i saw him leave the room and i stripped completely, all the hickeys he gave me now in view. I layed on the bed playing on my phone, my ass in view as he opens the door. "Holy fuck" he said groaning before taking his shirt off and then his pants. He walked over to me slapping my ass slightly, i moaned as he slapped it again, suddenly he grabbed my hair pulling it back roughly as he kissed me. It felt so good. I moaned into the kiss and he reached down with his free hand and put a finger inside me. "Oh fuck daddy" i moaned breathlessly as he kept my hair is his hold and fucked me roughly with his fingers, he started biting at my neck and i was moaning louder as he was fucking me roughly with three fingers. God it feels so good. Suddenly he pulls his fingers out causing me to whine at the emptiness "beg for it" he whispered deeply into my ear. I moaned "please daddy i need you so badly" he smirked before slamming into me. "Oh fuck daddy please" i moaned loudly, he thrusted slow but hard before he pulled out making me whine. "Turn around and lay on your back" i hummed before turning around. He kissed me while slowly entering me again, he started thrusting slowly as i moaned softly in his ear. He leaned his head on my shoulder "fuck you feel amazing" i moaned softly "only for you daddy" he grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him.

He kept thrusting nice and slow, i was kissing his shoulder and running my nails down his back gently. Suddenly he thrusted into my prostate hard, i bit down on his shoulder to stop myself from scream and dug my nails into his back. "Fuck baby" he moaned when i bit down on him. I smirked at his reaction and scratched down his back before i grabbed his face and kissed him deeply. He kissed me back before pulling away "im close baby" i nodded my head and he drilled his dick inside me. We both came together and i layed my head back panting heavily, he pulled out. He layed next to me and looked at me. "I dont know how you did that, but you found a new kink" he looked at me as i laughed "no seriously" he said laughing with me.

"I love you baby" i smiled and kissed him "i love you too" he said smiling at me.

My Saviour~Colby Brock/Jake WebberWhere stories live. Discover now