Chapter Six

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Jake's POV

I woke up to my alarm going off, great its dreaded monday. I got up and slipped on skinny jeans and a hoodie, then i went downstairs and quickly ate before walking to school. I love walking to school in the morning because its peaceful and quiet, i love quiet things. After 30 minutes of walking i finally got to school. I walked in and went to my locker, i wasnt in the best mood after what Colby told me yesterday. I saw Brennen walk over to my locker and he smiled his famous smile "i got a girls number!" He said excitedly and i clapped my hands and rolled my eyes. He looks at me confused "whats wrong Jake?" I saw Colby and his group walk in and i slammed my locker closed "nothing. Leave me alone." I walked away and he gave me a confused look, i feel bad but i cant see Colby right now it hurts to much. I sat down in my chair and i saw Colby walk into class and sitting in his normal chair. "Wow Colby you are early for once." Mrs. Tate chuckled and started teaching. She asked the class a question and she looked at me "Jake can you answer this question?" She asked hopefully, i looked at her annoyed "nope" i said in a bitchy voice. She looked shocked "are you sure? You answered it before" i got more annoyed and looked at her "that was before not now. We dont even need to learn this shit." I grabbed my stuff and walked out of the classroom. She looked at Brennen shocked. Brennen just shrugged but looked at the door worried. Colby looked at my chair and pulled out his phone and texted me.

Colby💙- hey are you okay? What was that outburst in class?

I didnt answer him i went up to the roof of the school and just sat up there crying into my hands. I heard the bell ring then i heard the door to the roof open and i quickly wiped my tears. "You know when i ask if your okay i mean it right" i heard Colby say sadly. I shrugged at him "how did you know i was up here." I asked him "i asked Brennen if he knew where you went and he said up here." I scoffed at him "so youll talk to Brennen in public but not me? Thats great." I knew he could probably hear that ive been crying. He sighed and sat down next to me "i never said i wouldn't talk to you Jake" i rolled my eyes at him "no but you dont want anything to do with me. Right Cole?" He groaned and stood up "im trying here. Why wont you just let me in?" He said sadly, is he actually sad? "Because i dont want my life spread around the school like a nasty ass rumor that you make up" i said harshly "im not just someone else whose life you can ruin." He stared at me quietly "so thats who you think i am. Okay." I heard him leave and i started crying harder, why did i say that to him.

B- are you okay... colby just walked away from the roof crying and he looked really mad...

J- i fucked up B... i said something awful to him and i regret it so much but i cant fix it. I want to fix it so badly Brennen... so fucking badly...

B- let me go find him and talk to him okay... just dont move...

J- its no point... he hates me... im sorry...

B- Jake what are you talking about
B- Jake answer the damn phone
B- im going to call the police if you dont answer Jake

I wanted to answer but i was to weak to move, i could feel the life draining out of me as the cuts never stopped bleeding. Soon i heard muffled screaming and yelling, i heard Brennen crying and Colby screaming my name while he was being held back by paramedics. Wait Colby is here? He didnt leave me? Why didnt he leave me? Suddenly everything went black, i couldn't see anything, or hear anything. It was silent, pitch black silence. Then memories started playing in my head, that day with my cousin in the mud, my mom's smile and her warm hugs. I miss her but she wouldnt want this, i cant let my mom down like this. Not her. Suddenly i saw Colby, i saw the way he looked at me and i saw his smile and his laugh. Its like i could feel his lips against mine. I need to wake up, please wake me up now. I want to go home, i want to be in his arms again. Please let me go home. Pitch black silence again. Its ringing in my ears, its getting so loud. Im scared, mom please help me.

I felt someone hold my hand, i could hear crying. I could hear it? And feel it? Its slowly becoming lighter. I open my eyes slowly and look around, i look over and see Colby holding my hand and softly crying. I squeeze his hand weakly and he moves his head quickly and looks at my hand then up at me. His eyes were so red and puffy, he looks like he hasnt slept in days. I hear him call for the nurse and he looks at me and he puts his hands on my cheeks and kisses me while crying "im so sorry" he keeps repeating it while kissing me. The nurses run a few tests on me and tell him that i should be okay and i could go home tomorrow.

Home. Im home.

I looked at colby and i could see him shaking while he talks to someone on the phone i reach out for him and he grabs my hand saying something before hanging up the phone. He sits down and holds my hand tightly and keeps kissing my hand "you cant leave me again. You cant. I love you" i smiled at him and i put my hand on his cheek and he came closer and kissed me passionately. It felt so good to be with him. My home. "I love you too Colby. Im so sorry" i felt a tear come down my cheek and i heard him let out a choked laugh and wiped my tears and kissed me again deeply.

Im home.

My Saviour~Colby Brock/Jake WebberWhere stories live. Discover now