Chapter Eighteen

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Colby's POV

I sighed and laid on my bed, we had to get ready for a party tonight. It was at Bryce's house, maybe ill stop by and see Jake on the way out but who knows. Probably won't. When i saw him yesterday at the beach i told him to come over today so we can talk, im thinking he wont show up considering that i have been a douche bag to him yesterday at school. I completely embarrassed him in front of everyone. I still love him but i feel so guilty and i cant show that in front of Bryce. Bryce gets irritated easily by that. I walk downstairs to see Sam filming a video, we hit a rocky point in our friendship since Jake caught me cheating. I understand though, Jake is easy to get along with. I went back upstairs and called Bryce

C- yo come over

B- on my way

I hung up the phone and layed down. A few minutes passed and i see Bryce walk into the room "what are you wearing to the party?" He asked. "Help me pick something out" i said as he went into the closet and looked through my clothes, he threw a shirt at me and continued looking, i was shirtless and only in sweatpants when he came in. He then threw pants at me "wear those and this red bandana." I nodded "ill be right back" i went into the bathroom and started the shower i sighed before stripping and getting under the water. It stung as it hit my back, i had scratches all over my back. I quickly washed my hair and body before getting out, i dried off my hair and wrapped the towel around my waist. I walked into my bedroom seeing Bryce on my bed, i rolled my eyes and started blowing drying my hair. I felt his eyes on me but i ignored it, i brushed my hair before drying it more, the blue was super faded now but i didnt care. I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth quickly, i sighed and went back into my room, i went into the closet and grabbed a pair of boxers, i dropped the towel before putting them on. I heard Bryce get off the bed and i turned around, i kissed him and pulled him closer to me.

He tugged at my hair gently, i pushed him down on the bed and ran my fingers through my hair, i kissed his neck leaving a hickey, i heard the door open and i stopped before i turned around seeing Jake standing there looking mad before he stromed out. I didnt have the heart to chase after him so i just got dressed.

I really fucked up this time.

My Saviour~Colby Brock/Jake WebberWhere stories live. Discover now