Chapter Nine

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Jake's POV

I sighed as i sat on my bed, my mom died 6 years ago now. It hurts alot but my father took it pretty hard, hes constantly drunk and when he gets drunk he gets violent. When im say he gets violent i mean he hits me, he throws things at me and he calls me some pretty bad names. Im only 14 years old and i dont want my father to hate me. I try to take care of him as much as he will let me but thats almost never, im always cleaning the house and picking up empty beer bottles. I dont have any friends to talk to so im constantly alone or at my house cleaning. It isnt so bad, i can listen to music while i clean and i like being alone, it just gets lonely sometimes. But hey what can i do! Recently i started to feel this weird sensation, this boy came to my school a two years ago. Every time i see him i get this weird feeling in my stomach and my heart starts racing, i never get like that with girls. His name is Colby Brock, he is called the most attractive boy in school, i can agree he is good looking but i cant have any feelings towards him. My dad would hurt me more. He said he would kill me if i had an attraction to a guy. But i cant help but stare at him, he never notices me but i wish he did. He hangs out with Elton Castee, the most popular guy in school, he is two years older than me. I heard he goes to high school next year, sounds scary, Colby is one year older than me but we are in the same grade. Elton Castee's group consists of Colby Brock, Sam Golbach, and Corey Scherer. They are the most popular guys in the school. They are basically inseparable, i heard rumors that when Elton turns 18 years old they are all moving in together. Colby has been single for a while, i dont know how because he is very very attractive, he is every girls dream. When i turn 18 i want to move into my own house, yeah i love my dad but he doesnt like me very much. He thinks its my fault that my mom died, hes probably right, i was there in the car with her when it happened. They said it was a miracle that i was alive, they said that I broke three ribs, broke my arm and i was cut up all over my body. I was barely breathing when they got there, they told me my mom didnt make it and that she passed away on contact. I dont remember much but i remember her getting a phone call and a semi coming out of no where, i felt the car jerk to the side and next thing i know the car was spinning. There was glass everywhere, i just wanted my mom, i was screaming and crying for my mom because it hurt. The men is white coats said that my ribs were going to heal correctly and that ill always have problems with them.

I sighed and stood up and started to clean the broken glass that was in my room, from my dad getting mad at me. I picked up a piece of glass and accidentally cut my finger. I dont know why but it didnt hurt, it was bleeding alot though, i felt a small sting but it kinda felt good. I finished cleaning it up and threw it away. I grabbed the trash and took it outside, a boy came up to me, he was very tan and he had green eyes. "Hi im Brennen!" He smiled at me. "Im Jake" i said shyly, he smiled "i like that name! Youre my friend now okay?" He said cheerfully "okay.." i said quietly as he was walking away. He seemed nice.


I am in high school now, i found out a way to cope with the sadness i feel. Brennen is my bestfriend now, we hang out all the time. For some reason Sam Golbach has a personal vendetta against Brennen. Sam is Colby's best friend, i have no idea what happened between them but i guess it was something to do with Sam's girlfriend, Kat, but i have no idea. I try to stay away from that drama, we end the school day with Sam slamming Brennen against the lockers its a every day occurrence now. I helped Brennen as much as i could. I got therapy every week now, the therapist say that i have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, i have Bipolar Depression and Chronic Anxiety Disorder. Which makes sense because i have random panic attacks, im always thinking about my mom. I miss her, i began to hate my father, he constantly treats me badly. No one knows about my father, i never talk about my mom. Oh yeah and i discovered that i am gay, Brennen and his mom, Lisa, know that im gay but no one else does. Im deathly in love with Colby Brock, Brennen teases me about it all the time. He catches me staring at him in the hallways or in class and he makes heart gestures at me. He makes me laugh, he is a great friend, he is always there for me.

I always talk to him about Colby and he always talks to me and girls he likes. I love him like a brother, his mother is like a second mom to me.

Colby is a famous youtuber now. So is his entire group, they live in a house together, they call it the Trap House. Weird name, right? They are the trap boys as the fans call them, i think its funny but they are still the most popular people in school. Elton is a senior now! He will be 19 next year its crazy how time flys. Colby is still single, which is still surprising because he is like a sex god.


I wake up next to Colby, i smile remembering what happened earlier. My body aches but it was worth it, i want to tell him everything but im scared. Will he think im a stalker? I mean i have been in love with him since i was 14, i finally have the man of my dreams though. He is perfect in every way, and i mean EVERY way.

"What are you thinking about?" I hear Colby ask me is a ruff and tired voice. I smiled at him and kissed him before pulling away and cuddling with him again.

I love him.

My Saviour~Colby Brock/Jake WebberWhere stories live. Discover now