Chapter Sixteen

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Jake's POV

I was leaning against my locker talking to Brennen, i havent seen Colby in a few days which was fine considering the fact that he has been acting really weird lately. I saw Tara walk up to us smiling, i smiled back "hey guys!" She said waving "hey!" We both said to her and laughed. I miss this, they are both great friends, we all stood in the hallway talking, Tara looked over and rolled her eyes "here comes the popular group" i smiled at her before i looked over and saw Colby talking to someone, i think its that Bryce dude. He seems like a dick, i waved at Colby and watched as he gave a dirty look. Brennen noticed and gave him one back before Tara, Brennen and me walk to class. Its the last day of our senior year, we are all super excited for summer. I sat down in class, Tara to my left and Brennen behind me, Colby walked into class and sat in the back off class like normal, i saw Brennen turn around and look at Colby "you might want to stop talking" Colby smirked at him. "Or what? What are you going to do about it" i grabbed Brennen's shoulder and turned him around "he isnt worth it" i said before glancing and Colby and shaking my head only to hear him and Bryce laugh. He is really testing my patience.

When the bell rang for lunch Brennen and i met up with Tara, we walked to the cafeteria to see Colby and his group throwing paper at each other. I sighed as we sat down, Tara looked at me "do you know what his problem is lately?" I shook my head and was about to answer, suddenly i feel liquid go all over me "oops wrong garbage" i heard Colby say before walking away while laughing. I just sat there shocked, Brennen got up quickly "dude what the fuck is your problem" he yelled at Colby making him turn around "you and your little group is my problem" i saw Brennen put his hands in a fist "Jake is supposed to be your boyfriend!" Colby laughed when he said that "yeah no. Im good." He walked away. I immediately started crying and they helped me into the bathroom, they helped me clean up. I could tell Brennen was pissed off. "Why would he treat you like this? Why would you let him?" I shrugged and sighed "ill go over to his house tomorrow to talk to him. Sam will be there so i wont be alone" Brennen nodded and gave me fresh clothes.

Brennen took me home and Tara came with, we ended up hanging out all day. They really are the best friends. Tara stood up on the bed and yelled "Its summer time!!" And then she sat down making us laugh. "Lets go for a drive?" Brennen suggested. I nodded as we grabbed our shoes, Tara hopped in the bed of the truck and stood up, i was sitting out the passenger door and Brennen was driving while blaring music. It couldnt get any better than this, me and my two bestfriends just driving down the back roads. I love the feeling of the wind hitting my face, i looked back at Tara as she was standing up with her eyes closed and her arms held out, i smiled at her and slid back in the car, Brennen looked at me and smiled. "This is by far the memory i have made this year." I smiled at him "me too, i really love you guys, you are like my brother and sister" Brennen smiled at me and sped up while turning the music up louder. I crawled back out the window and spread my arms, Tara smiled at me and Brennen stuck his arm out the window.

It couldnt get any better then this.

My Saviour~Colby Brock/Jake WebberWhere stories live. Discover now