Chapter Five

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Colby POV

I look at Jake sitting in the passenger seat of my car and i smiled. He was so perfect and his dimples are the most amazing thing ever. I pulled into the restaurant and parked my car and turned it off, i looked at him as he was scrolling through his Instagram. I hummed as i saw a Instagram picture i posted earlier today, so he is a fan of me. I get out of the car and saw him reaching for the door but i opened it before he could, he smiled at me showing me those perfect dimples and that beautiful smile, i smiled back.

We order our food and as we waited for it to come we just sat there talking. He was telling me his favorite things to do when he wasnt in school. I had one thing on my mind though, why did he call his mom Lisa. "So hey, why did you call your mom Lisa?" I asked him questionably, he cleared his throat and looked uncomfortable "Lisa is Brennen's mom... my mom passed away when i was 8.." he looked down sadly. I grabbed his hand and kissed it gently "im sorry to hear about that" i smiled at him. He smiled back sadly as our food came. We ate it and talked some more before we walked out to the car. He looked at me and smiled at me when i opened the door for him, he got in and buckled up and i climbed into the drivers seat. I drove back to his house, i gave him the AUX cord to play music from his phone, he played 'Sing' by My Chemical Romance. We both sang along to it as we pulled into the driveway, we both got out of the car and he looked nervous. "My room is still a little bit messy since i just moved in two days ago." I smiled and him and laughed softly. "Im not worried about it love." He smiled and opened the front door and walked in before moving over so he could also come in. I looked around, it was a very comfortable feeling, i looked at Jake and i saw that he looked nervous. I smiled slightly and he showed me the way to his room, it was only a dresser, a nightstand and a bed in the room. It was very plain but i could make it work, i just hope Jake doesn't get upset when i tell him that we have to keep our relationship private. Not that i dont want to be with him! I do! I just dont want to ruin my reputation at school and on YouTube. I saw him cleaning the bed off and i went to help him, i picked up a picture of a women holding a toddler while he was covered in mud. I looked at it and Jake looked at it and smiled, and laughed softly "i remember that day perfectly. My cousin and i were playing outside in the mud when we were 5. My mom was pissed at me." I saw that he looked sad while looking at it, i put it down and hugged him. He smiled and left the room to go change into more comfortable clothes, i sighed not wanting to break his heart. I was scrolling through my Instagram and was looking at a few of the videos that some fans made. I came across a picture of me and Jake talking at my party, alot of fans started asking if i was gay, or bisexual. To my fans im straight, nothing more then straight, i know itll hurt him but i cant hurt my fans. I looked up to see Jake standing at the door looking confused. "Whats wrong?" I asked sitting up, he just looked at me "what will hurt me." He said sounding upset, i stood up and walked closer to him, he stepped back slightly. I cleared my throat "i need to keep our relationship a secret for now.. i cant have my fans getting angry at me because im gay. To them im straight and nothing more then straight.. do you understand?" I asked it nervous all over my voice. I saw him clench his jaw tightly "yeah that fine." He said blankly before laying down and covering up, i can tell he isnt okay with it. It hurts to see him like this. "I know you hate it, i can tell that it bothers you." I look at him. He just rolled over more "no its fine. Night." He shut his light off and i sighed "do you want me to leave?" I sounded annoyed and i was starting to get mad. He looked at me and mived his covers so i could lay down "just lay down and sleep." He said quietly, i sighed and laid down next to him and i cuddled closer to him.

I woke up the next day to Jake not next to me. I got worried and immediately sat up, looking around but i didn't see him anywhere. I then heard the shower running and i calmed down and laid back down staring at the ceiling, while i was laying down i thought of Jake tell me about his depression. I got worried again and decided to text him.

Colby💙- are you in the shower? If you are then please dont hurt yourself.

I got no answer so i just laid down and sighed. I knew i hurt him by saying what i did, but i cant risk it, my fans would attack him if the found out. I heard the door open and i looked up at him. "Morning" he said quietly. I gave him a look of doubt, i sat up and looked at him "let me see your arm." I sounded mad, im really not trying to. "Im sorry what?" He gave me a confused look when he said it, i stood up and grabbed his hand and pulled his sleeve up revealing the fresh wraps. I dropped his arm and scoffed before grabbing my stuff and leaving, not saying another word to him. When i walked out of his door i heard him start crying, i wanted to go back in but i couldnt, i couldn't see him hurting himself. I got in my car and drove home, when i pulled into the driveway i heard my phone ding. I looked at it and saw that Jake texted me, i sighed debating if i should open it or not. I ended up opening it.

Jake😍🤤- does this mean we aare over....

I sighed and put my phone down before going to take a shower. After i washed my hair and my body i went inti my room and changed into sweat pants and no shirt. I texted him back.

Colby💙- why did you do it again.

Jake😍🤤- im scared that you are embarrassed to be with me...

Colby💙- when did i tell you i was embarrassed Jake. I dont want my fans to freak out and try to ruin your life. Im scared for you.

Jake😍🤤- i cant hide my feelings like you can...

Colby💙- well try.

I sighed and put my phone down. I shouldn't be so harsh on him but im worried about him. I guess ill just see him at school tomorrow morning. I shrugged and laid in my bed eventually falling asleep.

My Saviour~Colby Brock/Jake WebberWhere stories live. Discover now