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Boys won't be in the band

Hi im tegan merrel cooper im 20 years old from Minnesota i have lived here my whole life . 1 have an older brother romeo a little sister called jen. And thats all u need to know for now

Mom : u ready for tap dance Tegan : yass Dad : have fun u two Tegan : we will

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Mom : u ready for tap dance
Tegan : yass
Dad : have fun u two
Tegan : we will

Me and my mom walk out the door walking to tap class

Mom : warm up
Tegan : let me get my tap shoes on god women
Mom : i know but u need to warm up cause class starts in 10 minutes
Tegan : yes ok

I finish putting my shoes on and i start warming up and then we get started on class. So skip a few hours

Tegan ; im a tomato jeuse
Mom : i am aswell
Tegan : no your not u look perfect at as always
Mom : aww thank u and u know u always look good
Tegan ; well i don't at the minute but thanks but can we please get coffee
Mom : yes lets get coffee

We walk out and we to a little coffee getting coffee

Tegan ; defo needed this iced coffee
Mom ; i just needed coffee 3 kids is hard
Tegan : hey me and romeo are chill as for Jen not so much shes 6 shes gonna be hard work
Mom ; i know but 3 kids is still hard u worry you'll understand once u have kids
Tegan : ok but don't plan on any kids from me any time soon
Mom ; i bloody hope not i plan on Romeo having them first
Tegan : don't forget hes a year older then me hes still young
Mom ; i know but still him please
Tegan : yes

I start coughing

Mom ; u still ill
Tegan ; yh but its cleaning a bit now
Mom : good on the road to recovery
Tegan : defantly
Mom ; your dads calling like mad
Tegan : answer I'll get us a muffin
Mom ; ok

I get up ordering us our muffins and i bump into someome

Tegan ; sorry
Jonah ; tegan
Tegan : jonah hey

I hug him

Jonah : how are u
Tegan : good u
Jonah : I'm good god its been ages since i last saw u
Tegan : i think it might have prom night
Jonah ; i think it was jeez
Tegan : thats was like 2 3 years ago god i feel old
Jonah ; same but we are old
Tegan : but we still got plenty life in us
Jonah : 100%
Mom : your dads having a moment we should go
Tegan ; yh give a sec
Jonah : or u can stay with me and we can catch up
Mom : oh Jonah hi
Jonah : hi mrs cooper
Mom ; stay I'll sort your dad out
Tegan : u sure
Mom : have fun
Tegan ; ok
Mom : bye
Jonah : bye mrs cooper
Mom : bye jonah

She goes and we sit down

Tegan ; so what u been doing since high school ended
Jonah : i toured a bit with my music but then the comapy closed down so I've been doing a view shows here and there . And i carried on with baseball
Tegan : oh shame about the comapy
Jonah : it sucked but hey everything must come to an end
Tegan : yh guess so
Jonah : u and Liam still together
Tegan : god no that ended a few days after graduation
Jonah : oh that sucks
Tegan : happy i got out of that he was a compulsive liarer and cheated
Jonah : sorry
Tegan ; its chill don't worry single life rocks
Jonah : hey me and u and both

We hive five

Jonah ; so what u been doing
Tegan : traveling chilling nothing
Jonah ; best place u travelled
Tegan: uhh probley Sydney Australia
Jonah : so badly want to go there
Tegan ; I recommend it
Jonah : I'll save up then
Tegan : ok
Jonah : concering we haven't seen each other in years we still act like good frineds
Tegan : absence makes the heart grow fonder

We both start laughing

Jonah ; yh it dose
Tegan : yh
Jonah : can i ask how has your mom not aged one bit
Tegan ; i have no clue but is your mom still an amzing cook
Jonah : the best
Tegan ; i wish my mom could cook
Jonah ; my house is always open
Tegan ; good to know

I start coughing again

Jonah : u ok
Tegan : all good
Jonah : sure
Tegan : yes
Jonah : did u know thomas and Stacy are engaged
Tegan : no i didn't I've done on a social media break
Jonah : how can u do that
Tegan : easy delete them
Jonah ; u crazy
Tegan : dats me but trust its good u get away from all trobels
Jonah : don't have trobels
Tegan ; niether do i but others do and they display every where on social media
Jonah : ok fair enough
Tegan : yh
Jonah : we so need a reunion get everyone back togther
Tegan : u can count me out of that one don't want to see liam
Jonah ; and i don't want to see karma hey its life
Tegan ; oh shit forgot u dated karma
Jonah : yh a big mistake that was
Tegan ; yh karma and liam slept together
Jonah : didn't know about that but...
Tegan : oh sorry
Jonah ; no its fine oh well in past I've had girlfriends since her
Tegan : would of thought so u were a bit of a douch
Jonah ; i was not
Tegan : ok
Jonah : i wasent
Tegan : i said ok
Jonah ; didn't sound very convincing
Tegan : well sorry my voice doesn't sound convincing

He starts laughing

Jonah ; forgot how funny u can be
Tegan : thanks

I then get a message

Tegan : shoot i need to go
Jonah : what why
Tegan : curfew 8
Jonah : your what 19 20 and u have a curfew
Tegan : i know but i live under my perants house i live by there rules
Jonah ; well that sucks
Tegan ; it dose but I'll see u around
Jonah ; put your number in

He hands me his phone and i put my nuber in

Tegan : see u around
Jonah : bye

I get up and i walk out going home

Tegan: hi
Romeo : u were about to be late
Tegan ; i know
Romeo ; why are u so out of breath

I start coughing

Tegan : I'm ill

I walk upstairs going to my room amd i sit down coughing even more trying to get my breathing back to normal

Jen : sissy can u do French braid my hair
Tegan ; mhm give a sec

I go to the bathroom getting a glass of water and i down it and i walk out

Tegan : sit down
Jen ; ok

She sits down and i do her french braids in her hair

Tegan : all done
Jen : thank u
Tegan ; how was school
Jen ; its was good
Tegan : and i had hip hop class today how was that
Jen : that was good we danced
Tegan : well i hoped u danced or there's no point going
Jen : yh
Mom ; kiddos dinner

We get up going down stairs

Dad : sit down
Tegan ; I'm not that hungry I'm just gonna have some water
Mom ; second meal in a row u haven't eat
Tegan ; im fine im going to bed
Mom : ok
Dad : love u
Romeo : loser
Tegan : so are u

I go upstairs going to the bathroom brushing my hair and teeth and i walk out going to my room and i get in my pjs and i get in bed

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