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Mom ; morning
Tegan : uh...why are u here
Jonah : i just am
Tegan : ok
Dad : how u feeling
Tegan : ruff but I'm good im liven im chillen ya
Jonah : why u so wired
Tegan : cause I'm bored
Jonah : let's go then
Mom ; have fun
Dad : bye

We walk out

Tegan : what we doing
Jonah : ice cream
Tegan ; ok also why were u at my house its 11 o'clock in the morning and u didn't message me
Jonah ; i was just there don't worry
Tegan : ok creep
Jonah : totally
Tegan : u are your at my house quite early and your talking to my preants your my ex creep
Jonah : oh shut up plus I'm gonna make sure im not your ex for much longer . I will win u back

I start coughing

Tegan ; mhm ok 
Jonah : i will
Tegan ; ok
Jonah : by the way love the shirt

I look down and flip my nose

Tegan : your child
Jonah ; i know
Tegan ; but i do love this shirt cause it dose say fuck that
Jonah : i know u fuck a lot of people

I judge him

Jonah : oh im joking

He hugs me

Tegan ; your a meanie

I start coughing

Jonah : im sorry ok
Tegan : anyway i think u fucked more people then me
Jonah ; i know i have
Tegan : how many do u think
Jonah : i have no clue u
Tegan : 3
Jonah : so Liam me and james

I nod my head

Jonah : ok

We walk inside the ice cream place ordering our ice cream and we sit

Jonah : your a mess ice cream all over your face
Tegan : eh

I wipe my face

Jonah : so u know how im 21 soon
Tegan ; its like 3 days away
Jonah ; it is
Tegan : yh
Jonah ; so the day after my 21st me my mom dad and svea are going to grand marais . I want u to come
Tegan ; i don't know about that
Jonah : please come for my birthday and for me pleaseee its only the weekend
Tegan : i have my surgry
Jonah : u said next week
Tegan : fine I'll come
Jonah : yes
Tegan : why isent Esther coming
Jonah : collage she can't get here
Tegan : oh
Jonah : ok so the reason i was at your house was so i could ask your perants to make sure i could ask u
Tegan : im old enough to make my own decisions
Jonah : but i don't know if u have chemo or what and they said u don't
Tegan : could of asked me
Jonah : meh don't get sassy with me
Tegan : or what
Jonah ; I'll fight u
Tegan : if my lungs weren't so crappy i would beat your ass
Jonah ; no chance your tiny
Tegan : but im strong
Jonah : arm wressle then

We have our arm wrestle and it went on for a while untill he won

Tegan : dick
Jonah : suck it
Tegan : already have

He jaw just drops and i let out a little laugh

Jonah : woah
Tegan : just saying truths
Jonah : i guess so

I start coughing

Jonah : i can't get over what u just said jeuse Christ
Tegan : banter
Jonah : i swear everyone thinks your incent and then i know the real u not incent at all
Tegan : well everyone knows im not incent tho
Jonah : but someome who doesn't know u would not think your so dirty
Tegan ; and i bet everyone can guess your dirty
Jonah : aleast I'm not as bad i used to be
Tegan :uh... woudent say that
Jonah : yes ok me cheating maybe wasent me changing but like i have if that makes sence
Tegan : kinda i I understand your jibber

don't let go / jonah maraisWhere stories live. Discover now