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Mom : knock knock

I get up answering the door

Mom : everyones getting breakfast u coming
Tegan ; yh

I get my phone and we go down stairs and i get my breakfast

Dad : u two packed for the honey moon
Lily ; we are
Romeo ; 16 hours and were be in hawii
Lily : yes
Romeo : so u two where did u get off to

Me and james look at each other

Mom : tegan james
Tegan ; hey i just left didn't feel good
James : i took her back
Romeo : please tell me u didn't have sex
Lily : tea is gonna get spilt

I start coughing

Dad : tegan merrel cooper james connor langley what happend last night

I look at him bitting my lip

Romeo ; wow sister and bestfriend
Lily : u can't talk look at us
Tegan : wheres jen
Dad ; don't change the subject
James : we chilled
Romeo : chilled my ass u guys can be honest were chill
Tegan ; all I'm gonna say is butt out my sex life its private
Dad : fine

Me and james keep looking at each other

Lily ; we need to leave soon
Romeo ; honey moon
Dad : guaranteed your gonna come back pregnate
Lily : woah
Romeo : shut up

I start coughing

Dad : from what I've heard u two do all the time

We all start laughing

Mom ; please shut up
James : its true tho i stay over at lily sometimes i mean a lot and moan moan
Romeo ; dude shut up
Tegan : yh dude
James : come at me dude
Tegan : fight me dude

We both start laughing and i start coughing

Lily : stop flirting
Mom ; why start a thing now you've knowen each other years
Tegan : hey who said were starting anything
Romeo ; kinda clear some thing is gonna start
James ; were see
Dad : right we need to get this show on the go lets go

We all get up going to our rooms and i get my stuff going down to the lobby and we drive Lily and romeo to the airport and then we go home

Jen ; its hot
Tegan ; i wish i was hot im cold
Dad : go put a jumper on
Tegan ; i might go get coffee
James : alright if i come
Tegan ; sure
Mom : bye u two

We walk out the door

James : fucking hell this morning
Tegan ; oh don't akward
James : worse then bloody akward omg
Tegan : it wose
James : at first i though romeo was gonna lose his shit
Tegan : me to but then lily did step in and be like well look at us
James : i forget Romeo met lily throw u
Tegan ; he did and i can't belive he stopped being a fuck boy
James ; but he hated how lily didn't just drop at his feet and give him attention .
Tegan ; oh god i miss the old days where lily would just strigh up pie him off
James : it was so funny the first time they met romeo put his arm around her . And she was no and moved
Tegan ; ok i rember that aswell and it killed me because the look on his face when she moved
James : it was an amzing face he pulled
Tegan : it was 
James : right last night how did it even start mean i rember but like i have no clue what came over me .
Tegan ; don't ask u kissed me
James : i know but like im the shy guy i never make first move
Tegan : it might have been that u know me
James : probely

We walk inside ordering our coffees and we sit down

James : what did last night mean

I shrug my shoulders

don't let go / jonah maraisWhere stories live. Discover now