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Mom ; u all ready for today
Tegan ; yes
Dad : please no sleeping with the guy your giving a lap dance to
Tegan ; no chance i know what im doing and not what to do
Dad ; good
Mom : have fun but not to much
Tegan : oh shut up bye
Romeo : lets go
Dad : bye

We walk out the door

Romeo ; snakes sneaks

I let out a little laugh

Romeo ; how u feeling
Tegan : hurt from jonah but today i feel ok my chest doesn't feel as tight
Romeo : good and just push jonah out hes not worth anything
Tegan : yh right your gonna be married in a few days how do u feel
Romeo : i honestly can't wait shes gonna be lily cooper
Tegan : i know uhh my bestfriend is gonna be married aswell as my brother
Romeo : so exsited me and james have sorted everything my stag is tomrrow
Tegan : i so hope james ties u to a pole
Romeo : i beg he doesn't
Tegan : i will die if he dose
Romeo ; I will just die of humiliation
Tegan : i bet u will
Riley ; hey guys
Tegan : today's the day become snakes
Becket : and i watch my girlfriend all over anyther guy
Romeo : it will be hard to watch but then u all have protection and plus everyone is just scared of the snakes .
Becket : i was until i met lily and she said all good things about them and now they don't
Romeo : there not bad at all maybe the past is but now there not
Becket : yh

I start coughing

Riley : snakes
All :  snakes

We all start laughing and we walk into the den

Dylan ; hey all of u
Tegan ; hey
Dylan : u guys existed
Romeo : i don't want to see my sister and her bestfriend
Dylan : yh maybe turn around
Romeo ; i will be
Becket : same with me don't want to see my girlfriend doing stuff to anyther guy
Dylan : good idea
Lily : hey

She kisses my brother

Tegan ; eww
Dylan : right u two

We nod our heads

Dylan : come on then

Me and Riley hold hands walking on stage

Riley : good luck
Tegan : and u uhh im scared
Riley : me too

The music starts and i walk off stage going to matt i take my shirt off tossing it to the side . And walk around him slowly taking off my shorts amd tossing them aswell . I bend down slowly picking my shirt back up and i sit down on his lap wrapping my shirt around his neck . And i start moving my lips back a forth getting a moan out of him and i feel his boner

Tegan : exsited are we
Matt : yes

I move my hips back and forth and i put my hands on his body and the song ends . So i get up quickly getting dressed and me and Riley hug

Tegan ; i did not like that he got a boner
Riley : oh so did he jeuse

We walk to every one and they pat out backs

Lily : u guys were amzing
Romeo : thank god its over
Tegan : oh god same
Dylan : u two welcome to the snakes

He hands us our jackets

Riley : thank u
Dylan ; im pretty sure u guys are awear of the rules
Becket : they are
Dylan ; good

I put my jacket on because i am so cold

Dylan ; everyone raise a toast to the new snakes tegan merrel cooper and Riley may lewis .

We all start cheering

Becket : i love u
Riley : love u too
Tegan ; now im the only single one great
Lily : hey u have plently snakes now get your mind off Jonah

don't let go / jonah maraisWhere stories live. Discover now