Romeo : hoe

I stick my middle finger up

Romeo : love u really
Tegan ; i know i love me too

We both start laughing

Tegan ; no im joking love u too
Mom : come on u lets go
Dad : bye

We walk out the door and going to tap class

Tegan : jeuse my cheast is so tight
Mom ; I'm gonna book u a doctors appointment when we get home
Tegan : it will pass now come warm up or can't u keep up cause your getting old
Mom ; shut it missey

We all start warming up and then we dance but i kept becoming breathless so i sat out most of the time .

Mom : no whos the one who can't keep up
Tegan : still u , u were a few steps behind
Mom ; yet u had to sit out
Tegan : i can't help this cold but once its passed I'll be beating your ass
Mom ; like to see u try
Tegan : oh u will

I get up

Tegan ; coffee time
Mom : let's go

We walk out going to the same cafe as yestersay ordering our coffees

Mom ; jen has a show coming up for her dance u interested on going
Tegan ; yes i want to see her dance
Mom ; ok I'll book tickets
Tegan ; look at both your daughters taking in your foot steps of dance
Mom ; very proud but id be happy with what ever u Romeo or jen done
Tegan ; so if i become a stipper u would be proud
Mom : not of that i woudent be
Tegan ; or Romeo become a loser...wait he's already a loser
Mom : don't be mean

I then get a message

Unknown : i see u

I look up looking around

Tegan : who is this creep

Unknown : its jonah sorry i didn't say

Tegan ; u scared me i thought it was a real creeper

Jonah ; sorry but im about to walk in

I put my phone down and jonah walks in

Tegan ; hi
Jonah : hi
Mom ; how are u
Jonah : I'm good u
Mom ; very good
Jonah : good
Mom : how's your mom
Jonah : shes ok
Mom ; good
Jonah ; so do u wanna hang out
Tegan : sure
Mom ; I'll see u later
Tegan : bye

She goes

Jonah : I'm gonna order my coffee and then go for a walk
Tegan : sounds good

He orders his coffee so i get my phone  and romeo sent me a photo oh his middle finger so i send one back .

Jonah : ready
Tegan : sì

I get up and i walk out

Tegan : how is it that me and my mom have been coming here years yet never seen u there
Jonah : i normaly get my coffee first thing but the past couple days I've been sleeping in. 
Tegan ; lazy
Jonah : i have been
Tegan : yh
Jonah : so do u and your mom go there everyday
Tegan ; yh everyday same time
Jonah ; so cool u get your own little date with your mom
Tegan : yep love it

I start coughing

Jonah : your so ill
Tegan : i know it sucks so stay away don't catch my germs
Jonah : i will but its probley germs u got from making out with to many guys
Tegan : im incent i do not make out with people
Jonah : from what i heard u and liam weren't that incent
Tegan : leave me alone
Jonah : caught u out there didn't i
Tegan : no

I then get a message from Romeo again with his middle finger so i make jonah send his middle finger up .

Jonah : whos that going too
Tegan ; romeo
Jonah : lovely
Tegan ; we got such a good brother sister bound
Jonah : i know me and all my siblings are close but i do kinda wish we could send middle fingers. To each other and not get offend
Tegan : just say its banter
Jonah : were see
Tegan : ok

I stop walking trying to regain my breath

Jonah ; do u need to sit down
Tegan : no all good

I start walking again

Jonah ; you've defantly caught something throw making out with poeple
Tegan : incent
Jonah ; incent my ass

We both start laughing

Tegan ; probely more incent in then u
Jonah : ok maybe
Tegan : this is the moment when i find out your a virgin
Jonah ; i can insure u i am not a virgin
Tegan ; oh well don't really care to be honest
Jonah : ouch u don't care
Tegan : nope
Jonah : yet again ouch
Tegan : sorry bro
Jonah ; ok that hurt i got bro zoned

I let out a little laugh

Tegan : ha
Jonah : meanie
Tegan : i know
Jonah : u need to be nice
Tegan : u needed to be nice in high school but no u screwed girls and chucked them
Jonah : i did not

I nod my head

Jonah : shut up
Tegan : i didn't say anything
Jonah : but i already know what your thinking
Tegan : are u a mind reader now
Jonah : totally
Tegan : ok what am i thinking right now
Jonah : u want me to kiss u
Tegan : omg how did u guess

We both start laughing

Tegan : no great thinking but no
Jonah : dang it what are u thinking
Tegan : why i am so tried
Jonah : ok same im shatterd even tho I've had coffee
Tegan : welcome to my world of always being shatterd and drinking coffee but doesn't work
Jonah : fun
Tegan : yh right i should go
Jonah : already
Tegan : yh its gonna be 8 soon
Jonah : can't belive 8
Tegan ; oh well see u around
Jonah : bye I'll message u
Tegan : ok

I walk away going home and i go upstairs going to the bathroom turning on the shower and i have my shower i get dressed and brush my hair and i walk out . Going to my room

Dad : hey kido
Tegan ; hey
Dad : your moms booked a doctor appointment for u tomrrow so you'll be missing tap .
Tegan ; ok
Dad : u really don't look good
Tegan : thanks dad
Dad ; not meant to be in a mean way
Tegan ; no i knew what u meant
Dad : good now come down for dinner
Tegan : ok
Dad : aleast try eat your mom thinks u got an eating disorder
Tegan : ok I'll try

I get up and we go down stairs and i eat a little bit of my dinner

Tegan : thanks for dinner see ya
Romeo : loser
Jen : your a meanie
Romeo ; u are aswell
Mom : get along
Tegan : night

I get up and i go upstairs going to the bathroom brushing my hair and teeth and i walk out going to my room and i get in my pjs and i get in bed

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don't let go / jonah maraisWhere stories live. Discover now