Skip a few days i had my surgery amd i start cemo in a few days but i get to go for a bit .

Romeo : welcome home
Mom ; she needs to rest
Tegan : mom I've rested now can i please have my phone
Mom : fine

She hands me my phone and i go upstairs taking it easy and i sit down turning on my phone . And a shit ton of messages from my friends but a lot of them are from Jonah

Jonah : hey why aren't u at the cafe
Jonah : hello
Jonah : are u ignoring me
Jonah : second day u haven't come to the cafe and u haven't replyed back to me .
Jonah : 3rd day you've ignore me
Jonah : is everything ok
Jonah : have done something is this why your ignoring me
Jonah : i give up bye
Jonah : ignore that last message

I let out a little laugh

Tegan : sorry my mom took my phone but im back and i weren't ignoring u x

Jonah : your alive

Tegan : was there something u wanted

Jonah : why did your mom take your phone

Tegan : i needed to rest

Jonah : can we meet

Tegan ; can't go out but if u want u can come here ? 🤷‍♀️

Jonah : be there in a flash

Tegan ; haha ok see u in a minute then

Jonah : u will

I put my phone down and i turn on my side

Tegan ; ow
Jen : are u ok
Tegan : im comlepty fine
Jen : can u do my hair
Tegan : yh

I sit up and i start cough

Tegan : come on sit

She sits down and i do her

Tegan : so hows school been
Jen ; i don't like it anymore we got home work

I let out a little

Tegan : yh thats about the same time i started hating school
Jen : its crappy
Tegan ; no don't say that
Jen : u say it
Tegan : im a naughty girl don't copy me
Jen : ok
Romeo : jonahs here
Tegan : he can come up
Jen : thank u

She gets up going and jonah walks strigh past my room

Tegan ; jonah
Jonah : where are u
Tegan : come back

He comes back

Jonah ; oh hey
Tegan ; hi
Jonah : no offence but u look awful
Tegan : but I'll never look as bad u
Jonah ; i know
Tegan : I'm joking u always look good
Jonah ; so u think im cute
Tegan ; did u hear me say that
Jonah : um...yes

We both start laughing and i lose my breath

Jonah : so still ill

I nod my head

Tegan : so what u been doing
Jonah ; drinking coffee talking to my frineds my normal thing
Tegan ; let me guess u want coffee right now
Jonah : for once no
Tegan : wow ok
Jonah : it's a shock i know
Romeo : moms going store do u want anything she said anything but chocolate .
Tegan :uhh... ben and Jerrys ice cream
Romeo : ok by the way mom buying herbal stuff for u
Tegan : uhh
Romeo ; have with that

He sticks his middle finger up and walks out

Jonah : true love there
Tegan : yep
Jonah : atchally me and u are true love
Tegan ; sure
Jonah : were destined u just don't see it
Tegan : is this u being serious cause i can't tell
Jonah : maybe i should show u

don't let go / jonah maraisWhere stories live. Discover now