Riley : ello
Mom : hello very loud Riley
Becket : shes had 2 cups of coffee already
Tegan : yh not good
Ned ; she needs help
Riley : we should get going
Tegan : yh and jonah almost here
Mom ; whys he coming
Tegan : taking me to chemo
Mom : no hes not
Ned : we should
Becket : yh bye

They go

Mom : hes not taking u
Tegan ; yes he is mom u can't come to every chemo session
Mom ; yes i can
Tegan : no go to tap
Mom ; no

I then get a message

Tegan : jonah out side see ya
Mom : tegan
Tegan : bye

I walk out the door getting in his car

Jonah : hey sorry im late
Tegan ; its fine
Jonah ; good
Tegan : so what u done
Jonah : absolutely nothing i woke up so late quckly got myself dressed and came got u
Tegan : u really didn't have to take me u could of stayed at home slept more ate . Mean you've got to be hungry
Jonah : i am but i can get something in a bit

I nod my head

Tegan : your lazy its 2
Jonah : i know but u looked like u were having fun last night
Tegan : it was fun exsept this morning got woke up at 6am
Jonah : u need sleep
Tegan : I'll sleep when i get home
Jonah ; u better
Tegan : i will

He keeps driving untill we get to the hospital and the nurses set me up for my chemo .

Jonah : feels wired being back in this place
Tegan ; i bet

I start coughing

Lena : ello
Tegan ; hey
Lena : who are u
Jonah : jonah her boyfriend who are u
Lena ; lena her chemo friend
Tegan : not just my chemo friend your atchal friend
Lena : yay also my husband and my son are coming in today
Tegan : yes i finally get to meet them
Lena : some how i knew u were gonna be exsited
Jonah ; I've relised she gets exsited about a lot of things
Tegan ; i do and when it involves kids i get even more exsited
Lena : not many people are happy when there teen perants but i am just because i know i can't have kids again
Tegan : i think its more of like when they find out there pregante there scared . Because they have to tell there perants and everyone but once u got that out the way . There happy there pregante or i hope anyway
Jonah : a lot of baby talk
Tegan : and...
Noah : mommy
Lena : hello little man wheres daddy
Noah : coming
Tegan : are u Noah

He nods his head

Lena : this is tegan and her boyfriend Jonah
Noah : hi
Jonah : hey

Liam then walks in the room and me and jonah look at each other

Liam : hi
Lena ; hey
Liam : omg what hi guys
Jonah : yh hi
Liam ; how u been
Lena : u know each other
Jonah : high school
Lena ; u guys all went to high school togther

I start coughing

Liam : i didn't know u had cancer
Tegan ; yep not many do
Lena : why so quite chum
Tegan ; tired

I lean my head on the chair skip a few hours back home

Mom ; how was it

I walk strigh upstairs going to my room and i get in bed

Jonah : look i know since seeing liam you've been quite but don't ignore your mom .

I nod my head

Jonah : do u still have feelings for liam cause it feels like u do to me
Tegan : no
Jonah : well it feels like u do
Tegan : well i don't i like u and only u but if u must know i lied to u about the real reason why me and him broke up .
Jonah : why did u break up then
Tegan : when we were dating and it was getting closer to the end of the year . He was like i want kids soon meaning as in as soon as we finsh school . I didn't so we got over it but when we had sex he would never use a condom . And then graduation came along that morning i found out i was pregante . I told Liam he was happy 3 days after i told him he dumped called me a lot of names . Later found out he cheated and got anyther girl pregante .
Jonah : and u hate him for that

don't let go / jonah maraisWhere stories live. Discover now