Skip a week and i started chemo and not been doing good

Romeo : hey wake up for a second
Tegan : what
Romeo : jonahs here do u want to talk to him or should i tell him to leave
Tegan : tell him to come up
Romeo : u sure cause u do meed rest
Tegan ; yh send him up
Romeo ; ok do u need anything
Tegan : no all good
Romeo : ok

He goes and i sit up covering my face I feel so nauseous

Jonah : its the afternoon and your still in bed

I nod my head

Tegan : come here

He gets in bed with me and i cuddle into him

Jonah : are u ok
Tegan : mhm what have u been doing
Jonah : frineds coffee harry potter and chillen with the fam
Tegan : nice
Jonah : how was your little vaction
Tegan : it was good
Jonah ; just good
Tegan : mhm

I quickly get out of bed going to the bathroom throwing up

Tegan : jeuse

I get up and i brush my hair and teeth and i walk out getting back in bed

Jonah : are pregante
Tegan : no
Jonah : good cause that's what im meant to do

I slap his arm

Tegan : Jonah
Jonah ; im joking tegan calm down
Tegan : don't joke about that
Jonah : I'm sorry

He cuddles me

Jonah : i an't ready for kids
Tegan : cause u wanna carry on being stupid
Jonah ; no
Tegan ; or screw girls other girls
Jonah ; only girl i plan on screwing is u

I let out a little laugh

Tegan ; well i don't plan on sleeping with u any time soon
Jonah : ouch
Tegan : not as in a mean way but stuff is just happening at the minute and its really tiring me out .
Jonah : are u sleeping with other people
Tegan : no cause at the minute i only have eyes for u

He lifts my chin up and kisses me and i kiss him back

Jonah : i only have eyes for u aswell
Tegan : good better stay that way
Jonah : it will and same for u
Tegan : it will
Jonah : good

The door then opens

Mom ; only me
Tegan : what
Mom ; how u feeling
Tegan : shatterd like I've been hit by a truck
Mom ; u need to rest
Tegan : i am
Mom ; right take your meds

She hands my meds and i take them

Tegan : thanks
Mom : of course also door open please
Tegan : ok
Mom : bye

She goes

Jonah : shit ton of meds
Tegan : yep

I lay down

Jonah : why are u so tired
Tegan : don't know just am

I start coughing and jonah rubs my back

Jonah : do u want me to go let u rest
Tegan : no but if u want to go
Jonah : no i want to stay
Tegan : good
Jonah : are u sure your ok
Tegan : mhm fine do u just want to watch a film
Jonah : sure

I grab my remote turning on tv and jonah makes us watch harry potter

Jonah : swear your falling asleep
Tegan : mhm
Jonah : don't drool on me
Tegan : shh

He starts laughing and u can hear yelling from down stairs

Tegan : I'll be back
Jonah ; ok

I get out of bed slowly walking to jens room and shes covering her ears

Tegan : its ok come on

I take her hand and we go to my room 

Jonah : hey jen
Jen : hi
Tegan : we should play a game of i spy I'll go first
Jen : yh
Tegan : hmmm i spy with my little eye  beginning with l
Jonah : lolly pop

I shake my head

Jen : laptop
Tegan : u got it
Jen : eye spy with my little eye something beginning with w
Jonah : wires
Jen : nope
Tegan : willy wonkers chocolate
Jen : mhm
Jonah ; i know window
Jen ; yh
Jonah : ok my go i spy with my little eye something beginning with f
Tegan : what f
Jonah : yh
Jen : flowers
Jonah : dang it your smart
Jen ; yh
Tegan : unfair
Jen ; i spy with my little eye something beginning with b
Tegan : easy bed
Jen : yh
Jonah : that was quick
Tegan ; ha

I start coughing and my head goes so funny

Tegan : I'll be back

I go to the bathroom throwing up i get up and i brush my teeth and i walk out

Jen : why are mommy and dadd yelling
Tegan : there being stupid don't worry about it
Jen ; i don't like it
Jonah : no one dose just ignore it im sure it will end soon enough
Jen : its been like this for days
Tegan : theres just stuff happening but i promise u it will all blow over soon
Jonah : is everything ok
Tegan : all good
Jonah : sure
Tegan : yes
Jonah ; ok
Jen : jonah why are u here all the time
Jonah : cause i want to spend time with your annoying sister
Tegan : blah
Jonah ; blah
Tegan : blah blah blah blah

He kisses me

Jen : eww
Tegan : oh shh you'll understand when your a bit older
Jen : boys are gross
Jonah : am i gross
Jen : no boys at my school are they pick there bloggers and eat them
Me and jonah ; eww
Tegan : ok maybe boys your age are distgusting
Jonah : yh
Jen : yh
Tegan : stay away from them no making out
Jen : no
Jonah ; nothing wrong with making out
Tegan : shes 6 Jonah no making out with guys
Jen : no kissing yuck
Tegan : good girl
Jonah ; ok
Jen : im going back to my room
Tegan : come back if everything gets to much
Jen ; ok

She goes and i lay back down

Jonah : shes so cute
Tegan ; she is
Jonah : honetly shes the cutiest 6 year old
Tegan : mhm yh

He lays down facing me

Jonah ; are u sure your ok
Tegan : im fine

I put my hand on his face and i lean over kisses him

Tegan : im fine

I wisper

He kisses me and i kiss him back he swips his tonge against my lips and i open up and we fight for denomination and he wins . I sit up and i start coughing and jonah moves my hair and starts kissing my neck .

Tegan : Jonah

I turn around and he carrys on kissing my neck finding my sweet spot and i let out a moan .

Dad : tegan is everything ok
Tegan : fine
Dad : well diners ready
Tegan : ok
Dad ; come on

I get up

Jonah ; i should go
Tegan ; ok

He kisses me again and we go down stairs

Jonah : bye
Tegan : bye

He goes and i i sit down and we all eat

Tegan : jen can u go to your room
Jen : yh

She goes

Tegan : u guys need to stop fighting jen is 6 shes scared and if it's over my medcal bills . Use my collage fund mean its no use
Mom : no
Tegan : yes no more fighting
Dad : stell we need the money
Mom ; no
Tegan : please
Mom : we can't take your money u worked hard for it
Tegan : do u want my medcal bills to be payed do u want to lose the so use my money
Mom : fine

I start coughing

Dad : go to bed u need sleep

I nod my head

Tegan : night
Mom ; night

I get up and i go upstairs going to the bathroom i turn on the shower and i have my shower i get dressed and brush my brushing my hair and teeth and i walk out going to my room and i get in bed

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don't let go / jonah maraisWhere stories live. Discover now