Tegan : morning sleepy head
Becket : i was tired
Dad : are u hungry
Becket : no I'm gonna go try sort things out with Riley
Tegan ; good luck
Becket : I'll see u soon and get well
Tegan ; i will
Becket : bye
Tegan : bye

He goes

Tegan : mom can i please get coffee
Mom : no your staying in
Tegan : mom i want to go out before i start the cemo tomrrow
Mom : fine but if i call u answer
Tegan ; i will

I walk out the door and i message Jonah

Tegan : what u doing

Jonah : nothing why

Tegan : meet at the cafe

Jonah : be there in 10

Tegan ; ok

I walk to the cafe and i order my drink amd order Jonah a drink hopeing her likes it . And i wait a bit untill he gets here

Tegan : hey hope u like what i got u
Jonah ; i like anything with coffee in it
Tegan : good
Jonah : so your aloud out
Tegan ; i begged my mom
Jonah ; u wanted to see me that badly
Tegan ; totally 
Jonah ; i feel the love
Tegan : ok
Jonah : so can i consider this a date

I start choking on my drink and i lost my breath throw that and he laughs at me .

Jonah : so can i
Tegan : yh sure
Jonah : really
Tegan : if u want to consider it a date
Jonah : do u
Tegan : yh
Jonah : then its a date
Tegan ; good
Jonah : our first official date

He says in a wired voice

Tegan : wiredo
Jonah ; hey your on a date with this wiredo
Tegan : i know don't make me regret it
Jonah ; u won't
Tegan : ok but nothing will make me regret it
Jonah : same here

I nod my head

Jonah : wanna go for a walk
Tegan ; sure

We get up walking out and he takes my hand in his

Tegan : your so warm
Jonah : im boiling so sorry for sweaty hands
Tegan : its chill
Jonah ;  cause i can't help it
Tegan : i know and like i said its chill
Jonah :  ok good
Tegan : now don't worry about it
Jonah ; ok i won't
Tegan : so the next few days i probley won't be around
Jonah : why I'll have no one annoying me and i can't annoy u back
Tegan : im sorry forgive me
Jonah : if....
Tegan : if...
Jonah ; u kiss me

I kiss his cheak

Jonah : lips
Tegan : u never said where
Jonah : dang it should of made it more clear
Tegan ; not my fault
Jonah : uhh

I let out a little laugh and i lose my breath again

Tegan : jeuse
Jonah ; do u want a piggy back
Tegan ; im good
Jonah : come on
Tegan : noo
Jonah : yes
Tegan : fine

I jump on his back

Tegan : i know your hands are purposely on my butt
Jonah : oh well there confterble there
Tegan : ok enjoy cause u won't touch them again
Jonah : not so sure about that but ok

We both start laughing

Tegan ; were see
Jonah : we will but i know i will touch them again
Tegan ; just shut up now
Jonah : u started this chat
Tegan : and im ending it
Jonah : ok
Tegan : right u can put me down down now
Jonah : nope
Tegan : Jonah put me down
Jonah : no

My phone then starts ringing and he puts my down and i answer my phone

Mom : how are u
Tegan : good me and jonah are on a walk
Mom : when u gonna be hone
Tegan : i don't know yet soonish
Mom : ok
Tegan : can i go now
Mom : yes
Tegan : bye

don't let go / jonah maraisWhere stories live. Discover now