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Skip a few days and I've comlepty ignore jonah i needed to get him out of my head . Cause hes on my mind all the time and i know if i talk to him I'll cave in and probley take him back

Tegan : todays the big day my soon to be sister in law
Lily ; in 3 hours I'll be lily cooper
Tegan : ayy
Lily ; right the people to do our hair and make up are here
Tegan ; lets go

We walk to the front room getting our hair and make-up done but a lot of my hair was coming out .

Paris : we look fine af 
Bella ; we do
Tegan ; we need pictures
Lily : we do maya do u mind taking them
Maya ; yes of course

We stand up and we take a load of pitures

Maya ; u bunch of posers
Lily : memorys
Paris : we do
Pete : my dear your car has arrived
Lily : dad I'm getting married

We all start laughing

Pete : i know now ma ladies lets go

We walk out getting in the cars and it drives us to the venue

Tegan : right I'll go make sure everyone is in cheak
Lily ; ok

I walk in side

Tegan : woah

I walk around and everythings perfect

Mom : u look amzing
Tegan ; aw thank u look so good
Dad : she dose
Tegan : right gonna cheak on romeo jen u look so fab
Jen : thank u

I walk to Romeo

Tegan ; handsome
Romeo : im shitting it
James ; hes not lying
Tegan : oh fun
Romeo ; im so nervous what if i forget my vows
James : we've gone over them 100 times
Romeo ; one more time
Tegan : make it quick
James ; u need to go
Tegan : bye

He hugs me

Romeo ; love u
Tegan : love u too

I walk away joining the girls

Tegan ; looks amzing
Lily ; ok
Pete ; ready
Lily : as I'll ever be
Bella ; ahh

Skip a few hours and romeo and lily are now married

Paris : aww there so cute
Tegan ; match made in heaven
Bella ; they are its annoying
Mom : u all ok
Paris ; so good
Mom ; good

She goes

Bella ; come we need to sing to this

Single ladies starts playing and we all belt it out and dancing

Tegan : i need to sit
Paris ; no dance
Tegan : i can't my cheast
Paris : fine

I sit down holding onto my cheast

Romeo : whats up hoe
Tegan : the sky
Romeo ; haha so funny
Tegan ; why are u smirking
Romeo : im just happy

I nod my head

Tegan ; your hiding something
Romeo : no but rember i love u
Tegan : Romeo
Romeo : tegan don't worry
Tegan ; ok
Romeo ; so u ok
Tegan : I'm fine
Romeo : good
Tegan : go dance for me
Romeo :come join
Tegan : i can't aleast not at the minute
Romeo ; ok

He goes and i start coughing

James : hoe
Tegan : small dick
James : leave me alone
Tegan : u came here
James ; to cheak if your ok
Tegan ; so careing dude
James ; i know hoe
Tegan ; so how u been small dick
James : im pretty goood
Tegan : nice
James ; u look tired
Tegan : i am its been a long day
James ; its honetly has been
Tegan ; and stressful
James ; your brother gives me anxiety

I let out a little laugh

Tegan ; yh he tends to do that especially when he panics
James : yh hes the worst but i love him hes ma homie
Tegan ; i do aswell dude
James : stop duded me dude

We both start laughing

Tegan : sorry dude

I start coughing

James ; how are u after jonah i heard what happend
Tegan : let's not talk about him im trying to push past that
James : sorry
Tegan ; its chill how are u and cindy
James : touchie subject
Tegan : have u broken up
James : yh
Tegan ; what why
James ; i didn't mind her being older then me but she was ready for kids but I've just turned 21 . I still want to go out and get drunk still but i know i woudent be able to do that if i had a kid
Tegan ; oh im sorry
James : its fine we weren't dating long
Tegan ; 6 months into a relationship and already wanting kids
James ; so not ready
Tegan ; i dout anyone's ready for kids until there here
James ; probley
Tegan : can i ask something
James : shoot
Tegan : have u seen Lily have alcohol the past couple days
James : no
Tegan : mhm
James ; holy shit do u think shes pregnate
Tegan ; i think she is
James ; actually romeo mentioned something about how hes ready to have kids
Tegan ; ooo ooo ooo
James ; he needs to tell me if Lilys pregnate
Tegan ; yh same
James : ahh
Tegan ; right i need a pee be back in minnastoa
James ; ok

I get up and i start coughing i go to the bathroom and i do my bussnies and i walk out.

Tegan : what u doing
James : some thing

He kisses me and i was a bit shocked but i kiss him back wrapping my arms around his neck and he pulls me closer . He swips his tonge against my lips and i open up and we fight for denomination and with him winning .

James : want to get out of here
Tegan ; yes but how are we gonna get out of here without people getting the wrong idea
James : let em think what they want

He takes my hand and we walk out

James : thank god the hotels not far
Tegan ; i know and thank god u drove
James ; yh

We get in his car and he drives to the hotel and we go to his room he pushes me aganist the wall and kisses me and i kiss him i pull his jacket off . And i undo his buttons on his shirt

James : i can't undo your dress

We both start laughing

I turn around and he undose my dress kissing my neck i turn around kissing him . And we stummble to the bed and he lays me down kissing my neck

Well u know what they done

I sit up getting out of bed and getting dressed as quite as i can as james is asleep . I quietly walk out and i go to my room and i get in my pjs and i go to the bathroom brushing my hair and teeth and i remove my makeup . I walk out cheaking my phone

Mom : where are u missey ? 

Tegan :I'll exsplain tomrrow

I go to jonah message

Jonah ; i know your not replying to me but tell romeo and lily i said congratulations . And i hope u enjoyed tonight  xx

Jonah : message me when u feel ready too x

I lay down putting my hands over my face

Tegan : uhh

I get in bed

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