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Mom : morning sleepy head
Tegan ; wheres jonah
Dad : his perants wanted him for something but he said he'll be back later
Tegan : ok
Dad : how do u feel
Tegan : my cheast hurts im frezzing i feel like crap but im ok
Mom : just rest
Tegan : all I've done is rest I'm tired of it
Romeo : hey hoe
Tegan : what's up
Romeo : the sky
Lily : yh
Tegan ; haha so funny
Mom : your brother's a smart ass
Romeo ; im your son
Dad : and we love u
Lily : right me and u need to finish a few other wedding things
Tegan : lets go

We go upstairs getting the seating plan

Lily ;as much as i want my perants on one tabel i think we need to split them up so they don't cause drama
Tegan ; well surely they can put there differences aside for one day just for u
Lily : they don't think of others just themselfs so move my dad to where is April . And were move her next to my mom
Tegan : your mom doesn't like april
Lily ; fuck sake ok my dad stays in Aprils place . And April can swap with paris
Tegan : paris will then be by the fish and shes allergic and then she'll start complaing
Lily : uhh ok move April to leahs seat
Tegan : ok anyone else u wanna move
Lily : no its perfect
Tegan : ok
Lily : do u think you'll be well enough for this its a lot of standing and sorting out . And i don't want u over working
Tegan : I'll be fine I'll sleep all of the day before
Lily ; ok sure
Tegan ; yes nothing is going to stop me from seeing my best friend and my brother walking down isle .
Lily : ok
Tegan : im so exsited
Lily ; oh me too
Tegan : I'm sure this will be the last wedding I'll go too so i will be making the most of it
Lily ; don't say that u will see other weddings and u will be walking down the isle . Yourself for your wedding
Tegan ; well i don't plan on getting married in the next 5 years so
Lily : u will beat cancer and you'll live longer then 5 years
Tegan : we don't know that
Lily : we know nothing but i am hoping and im sure everyone else is hoping u beat it
Tegan : were see

I start coughing

Tegan : woah
Lily : sit
Tegan : no right we need to do um... food what foods do u want my mom to make .
Lily : just a few pickey things sausage rolls thoses little sausages things just thing for the kids
Tegan : hey not just for kids for me aswell because i do not any fish . Or posh food
Lily ; ok u do u bub
Tegan : i will baby girl

We both start laughing

Lily : aww i love u
Tegan : love u too
Lily : uhh can Saturday hurry
Tegan ; i know plus i so want to see paris i atcahlly miss that girl
Lily : oh me too happy shes flying from paris
Tegan ; i love how her name is paris and she moved to paris
Tegan : shes a leg
Lily : honestly she is

The door then slams over

Lily ; jeuse ri heart attack
Riley : sorry tegan i saw something
Tegan ; what
Riley : u won't like it but i have to tell u
Tegan : riley spit it out
Riley : i saw jonah making out with some girl
Me and lily : what

I sit down

Lily : are u sure mean u sure it weren't someone who looked like him
Riley ; i videoed it for proove
Tegan : show me

She hands me her phone and i press play on the video and hes making out with karma . And u know its him because he turned around

Lily : are u ok
Tegan : hes a fucking dick head
Riley : he is
Lily : wait till i see him
Riley : and me
Tegan : no u leave it I'll sort it out
Lily : better dump him
Tegan : oh i am don't worry

I start coughing

Tegan ; u know thanks for telling me because if it had gone on any longer i would of looked so stupid .
Riley : you wouldn't of Looked stupid
Tegan : oh but am i uhh i fucking hate him
Lily : i do aswell
Riley : i wish i had slapped him when i saw it
Lily : me too mean he doesn't have a clue of my family
Tegan : yh i never told him u were apart of the snakes
Lily : hes gonna have fun
Tegan ; were just see what happens
Riley : ok

The door then opens

Jonah : romeo let me in
Tegan : u two go i need to talk to him
Lily : sure
Tegan ; yh go
Riley : ok

They walk out and i shut the door

Tegan : where were u
Jonah : with my family i told your mom they wanted me
Tegan : don't lie to me
Jonah : im not
Tegan : your still lying im gonna ask u again where were u
Jonah : and I'll tell u again with my family why dose it matter .

I push him

Tegan : your fucking cheat and im stupid enough to belive u atchally liked me
Jonah : i didn't cheat and i do u like u

I start coughing and he goes to pat my back

Tegan : don't touch me
Jonah : who said i was cheating
Tegan ; non of your business
Jonah : ars u gonna belive them over me
Tegan ; yh i am plus she videoed it so yes i belive her
Jonah : I'm sorry
Tegan ; i don't care get out and don't ever talk to me again

I start coughing again

Jonah : I'm not leaving
Tegan : oh u are leaving
Jonah : no im not i won't to sort this
Tegan : there's no sorting it u cheated and with your ex Jonah
Jonah : your so childish any person would want to sort this
Tegan : well jonah i don't atchally know how much longer i have to live id prefer to be single and be happy with my family . Then be in a relationship where i get cheated on left right and bloody center . And always fighting so no we aren't sorting now get out
Jonah : im sorry i never meant to hurt u
Tegan : well u have

I walk out of the room walking down stairs

Jonah : please
Tegan : out now
Dad : whats happening
Tegan : he cheated on me

My dad and Romeo both grab him pushing him out the door

Jonah : tegan

I slam the door shut

Tegan ; fucking dick
Romeo : if he comes near u again tell me
Lily : are u ok
Tegan : yes just going to the garden

I go to thr garden sitting on the hammock and i just balling my eyes out .

Lily : aleast hes out of yout life now and u weren't years down the path with him cheating
Tegan : yh
Riley : you'll be ok

I start coughing

Tegan : my stupid cheast
Lily : just breath in out

We all start breathing in and out and we just started being stupid so we start laughing .

Tegan ; do u think Dylan will let me be a snake
Lily ; u know he'll have u as a snake but u know what u have to do to become a snake
Tegan ; i know but i want to be a snake
Romeo : hey i heard u say snake are u thinking of becoming one
Tegan : yh
Riley : i think its a good idea then people know not to fuck with her
Lily ; hey ri u should join
Riley : i will
Romeo :with the things u have to do please don't let me come because i don't feel like seeing my sister and her bestfriend . Stripping on some guy and prtically dry huming them
Lily : I'll call Dylan now and see if i can get u in tomrrow
Riley : go on then
Romeo : u two sure about this
Tegan : yh because i know everyone is scared of the snakes so people will know not to mess with us

I start coughing

Riley : i hope Becket will be ok with this
Tegan ; he will be just tell him and say he can come
Riley : ok
Romeo : your gonna become a snake like me and lils
Tegan : ayy
Romeo : and its good u two already know the rules of the snakes
Riley : we do
Lily : he said come to the den tomrrow in your out fits and he'll sort everything out
Riley : ok
Tegan : fuck u jonah I'm gonna be all over a guy tomrrow

We all start laughing

Mom ; i just heard are u ok
Tegan : I'll be ok plus tomrrow I'm gonna be a snake so I've got things to look foward to
Mom : oh god the things u have to do to get into the snakes
Lily : its horrible but its something you've had to do for 70 years
Mom ; i know
Riley : exsiting
Mom ; I'm here if u want to talk
Tegan : thanks
Mom : also dinners here so lets eat
Romeo : yes

We all get up walking inside and we all eat and we talk for hours

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don't let go / jonah maraisWhere stories live. Discover now