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Skip a few days and i shaved my head so im now wearing a wig

Tegan : dad
Dad : yes
Tegan : can i go to beckets
Dad : u can
Tegan : thank u
Dad : have fun
Tegan : u know i will
Dad : bye

I walk out the door going to beckets

Tegan : ello
Becket : hey
Tegan ; so Rileys not here
Becket : no her mom wanted her on her own today for a shopping trip
Tegan ; aww cute so is ned coming
Becket : hes in the yard
Tegan : lets go

We walk to the back yard

Ned : hey
Tegan : ello ned
Ned : how do u feel no hair
Tegan : free no more struggling with brushing my hair
Becket : but u wear wigs
Tegan ; im not gonna walk around no hair getting wired looks but how u two doing
Ned : Becket asked me to be his best man
Becket : i did he cryed
Ned : I'm an emotional person
Tegan : aww thats cute
Ned : god I'll cry again
Tegan : i swear everyone getting married and then u have me and ned
Becket : its cause your ugly plus u both have 2 people fighting over u
Ned : whos fighting over u
Tegan : apprently jonah and james what about u
Ned : spence and lucy
Tegan : wow aren't we luckey
Becket : who do u want to be with
Tegan : i don't know i liked jonah so much when we were togther like so much but then he goes and cheats on me . But he still wants me back and ge said he'll do anything to get me back which is cute . And then u have james and i know hes truth worthey and would never cheat plus if he did he knows he would lose romeo as a frineds. 
Ned : me and u have so many troubles
Tegan ; who do u want to be with
Ned : i don't know u have spence me him and have been frineds so long and yes we've always kinda flirted . And i do like him and then u have Lucy whos so pretty strong and so talented and just an all round amzing girl
Becket :how do u both have people fighting over u
Tegan : fuck knows mean this is me were talking about like really who would want to date this . And now I've got cancer no hair it just makes me even more unattractive
Ned : and im just a dick who used to fuck around screwing anyone i could mean who want to date an ex fuck boy
Becket : who knows but can we talk about how im atchally gonna be getting married . Mean i got teased for being a fat and ugly all throw school but yet i met Riley and she fell in love with me
Tegan ; u were never fat and ugly
Ned : infact u were the best looking guy at our school
Becket : then why did i get bullied
Tegan ; they were jelouse of u trust me
Becket : sure
Ned : honetly u were
Becket : ok

I then get a message

Jonah ; can we meet please ?x

Tegan : why ?

Jonah : i just want to meet x

Tegan ; ok

Jonah : meet at teddy bear park 5 x minutes

Tegan ; ok

I put my phone down

Tegan : guys im off Jonah wants to meet
Ned : your so gonna choose him

I start coughing

Tegan : maybe were see
Becket : have fun
Tegan ; i will and ned follow your heart just think who do u like more
Ned ; i will
Tegan : bye
Becket : bye

I get up walking inside and i walk out the door going to teddy bear park

Tegan : hi
Jonah : hey u ok
Tegan ; I'm fine u
Jonah ; im happy u met

I nod my head

Tegan ; why did u want to meet
Jonah : i just wanted us to meet
Tegan : ok
Jonah : so what were u doing before i called u out
Tegan : chilen with Becket and ned
Jonah : do u weren't with james

I shake my head

Tegan : nope just Becket and ned
Jonah : good
Tegan : what were u doing before u forced me out
Jonah ; hey i never forced u
Tegan : but if i had said no u would of messaged me all day
Jonah ; ok trueish but i was at home bored out of my mind
Tegan ; u do have other friends like karma

I start coughing

Jonah : me and her arent frineds
Tegan ; then fuck buddys
Jonah : not that either
Tegan : so you're in a relationship
Jonah : no we aren't friends at all i made things clear
Tegan : ok
Jonah : so have u though anymore about us

I look at him

Jonah : i guess not
Tegan ; u need to understand that u cheated so say if i did take u back all thats gonna be on my mind is that is he cheating again
Jonah : i know but i would never cheat again and i mean never
Tegan : ok
Jonah : do u have a down side for james

I nod my head

Jonah : what is it
Tegan : say me and him got together and we broke up things would kinda be akward when we saw each other because he is romeos bestfriend
Jonah : oh yh

I start coughing

Tegan : so yep maybe i won't date any of u just stay single cause honetly single life isent bad . Its drama free and of i die i won't be leaving a partner behind
Jonah : don't say that your not gonna die
Tegan : and how do u know that
Jonah : i just know your not gonna die
Tegan ; jonah i had a scan the other day the cancer is spreading like a wild fire . Its in both my lungs and next week i go for anyther operation to get one of my lung removed
Jonah : i didn't know that
Tegan : its cause i didn't say
Jonah ; what will happen of it doesn't stop growing
Tegan : goes to my organs and my body starts to shut down but they recon maybe 6 months . Until well i die
Jonah : they've given u 6 months
Tegan : yes
Jonah ; why are u so calm
Tegan : oh im not im so scared

I start coughing

Tegan : like u don't understand no one dose and everyones like your gonna beat this . And im not gonna beat this and that's scareing me because im not gonna see Jen grow up . Or any of my frineds get married im not gonna married im not gonna have kids I'm gonna miss out on so much stuff

He stays quite just pulling me into a hug

Jonah ; your ok and i know your probely like shut the fuck up but im still gonna think postive for u
Tegan : ok
Jonah ; right what's one thing u want to do before u die
Tegan : why
Jonah : just answer it
Tegan : i don't know
Jonah : come on think
Tegan : i don't know have a massive dinner with all my frineds and my whole family .
Jonah ; ok
Tegan ; why do u want to know
Jonah ; i just do right do u want to meet tomrrow
Tegan ; i guess
Jonah ; ok good
Tegan ; i guess see u tomrrow
Jonah : u will I'll message u

I nod my head

Tegan : bye
Jonah : bye

He kisses the top of my head and i walk away going home

Tegan : hey
Jen : can u do my hair

I let out a little laugh

Tegan : sure sit

She sits down and i do there hair

Mom : so how was beckets
Tegan : it was good ww chilled for a bit and then i met Jonah
Dad : what did u two do
Tegan ; we just walked in the park and i told him about 6 months
Mom : how did he react
Tegan : he just said everything will be ok not that much really
Jen : what's 6 months
Tegan : oh just a thing don't worry about it

I wipe my face

Dad : never thought I would see anyther one of my kids dying
Mom : don't say that she'll beat it
Tegan : I'm going upstairs
Dad : ok

I get up going upstairs going to the bathroom and i turn the shower on and i have my shower i get dressed and brush my teeth and walk out . Going to my room sitting down going on my phone

Jen ; can sit with u
Tegan : of course
Jen : u know mel
Tegan ; how could i forget mel she was our older sister
Jen ; can u tell me a story of her

I start telling her a load of story's of mel and she ends up falling asleep and i do aswell

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don't let go / jonah maraisWhere stories live. Discover now