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Mom : hey
Tegan : why am i here
Dad ; you've over worked yourself the past couple days u fainted
Tegan : mhm
Mom ; so you'll be resting
Tegan ; ok
Mom ; u know jonahs been here all night
Tegan : jonahs here
Dad : yh 
Tegan : why's he here
Mom : u were with him when u fanited and luckey he was there because he caught u

I nod my head

Dad ; i still don't like him
Tegan : if i can get over it u can
Dad : ok
Tegan : wheres james i was with him
Mom : he went home
Tegan ; and dose romeo know im here
Mom : good no one tells him i want him and lily to enjoy there honey moon
Dad : ok

I sit up and i start coughing

Mom : wanna see jonah
Tegan : sure
Mom : come were give u two space

They walk out and Jonah comes in hugging me

Jonah : sorry
Tegan ; why are u sorry
Jonah ; hugging u
Tegan ; its fine and thank u for catching my yesterday i guess
Jonah ; well i wasent gonna let u fall rish hitting your head and cause damage
Tegan ; still thank u
Jonah : of course but u fucking scared me jeuse Christ
Tegan : sorry
Jonah : please don't do that again
Tegan : i just over worked myself the past couple days
Jonah : well don't sleep do what ever u need to do to rest i don't want to see u hurt . Or in any pain
Tegan : yes dad
Jonah : sorry i just don't want to see u hurt again
Tegan : again
Jonah : me cheating

I nod my head 

Tegan : ok

I start coughing

Tegan : u must be tired go home sleep u crack head
Jonah : uh nah im good
Tegan : u look shatterd
Jonah : stop trying to get rid of me so u can ask james to come
Tegan : hey weather your here or not i would ask james to come
Jonah : ok
Tegan : but I'm not going to because he dose have a life and probely has things to do
Jonah ; whos to say i don't have anything to do
Tegan ; hey if u do go go head and go im not stopping u
Jonah ; i don't have anything to do so im staying until i get told to go

I start coughing

Tegan ; well your boring
Jonah : well i have feeling if it was the other way and i was in a hospital bed u would stay
Tegan : ok fair point
Jonah : exactly so

My phone then starts ringing

Tegan : ello
Riley : beckets joined the snakes
Tegan ; he has
Riley : yh
Tegan ; is he ok because when Romeo joined he ended up in hospital
Riley : hes fine brusied but ok
Tegan ; oh thank god
Riley : it was not nice seeing i hated
Tegan ; i bet but i hated it when romeo joined cause he did end up in hospital
Riley : it was scarey as fuck
Tegan ; aleast its over with
Riley : thank the lords
Tegan ; yh
Riley : is there any chance u can come round i need to ask u something
Tegan : ri I'm in hospital i can't levae
Riley : what why
Tegan : i fanited yesterday I've over worked the past couple days
Riley : im coming in
Tegan : no don't my mom dad and jonah are here im fine
Riley : Jonah
Tegan : yes
Riley : why

I get up walking away a bit and i start coughing

Tegan : cause i was with him when i fanited
Riley : why
Tegan : I'll exsaplin anyther time
Riley : tell me
Tegan ; fine me and james went out to get coffee yesterday we were talking we were about to kiss . Then jonah saw so i went after him we spoke and then i fanited
Riley ; u and james
Tegan ; yh
Riley : what's happeing there
Tegan : i don't know don't ask me cause i am confussed af its all the chemo
Riley : do u like him
Tegan : who james
Riley : yh
Tegan : im confussed like i just said
Riley : how did it even start
Tegan ; uhh we were talking at the wedding i went to the bathroom i come out he was there and he kissed me . And then we left the and went back to the hotel
Riley : kinkey
Tegan ; mhm
Riley ; is he gonna get u off jonah
Tegan ; i like jonah stil i don't want to get with james while i still have feelings for someone else but then im not sure of i like james
Riley : confussing shit
Tegan : yh right I'm gonna go
Riley : ok take care
Tegan : and u and Becket
Riley : we will
Tegan : bye

I hang up and i sit down

Jonah : long ass convo
Tegan ; a lot to talk about
Jonah ; like what
Tegan : well becket joined the snakes and some how he didn't end up in hospital
Jonah : why would he end up in hospital
Tegan ; for the guys if u want to join the snakes u have to take a beating and then normaly . U end up in hospital after 
Jonah ; ouch
Tegan ; yh
Jonah ; hope hes ok
Tegan ; by the sounds of it he is
Jonah : good

My perants walk in

Mom : we need to go jens ill
Tegan ; oh no
Dad : yh
Tegan : tell her to get better
Mom : we will and call any time
Tegan : i will
Jonah : I'll stay for aslong as i can
Tegan : no u go aswell

I start coughing

Jonah : im stay for a bit
Dad : see u kido love u
Tegan : love u too
Mom : bye

They go

Tegan : go home im sure your family want to see u and u look shatterd so go sleep
Jonah : no end of
Tegan : uhh
Jonah : stop moaning
Tegan ; shut it
Jonah : or what
Tegan : just shut it
Jonah : make me

I start coughing

Jonah ; do u want water
Tegan : im good
Jonah : u sure
Tegan : yh
Jonah ; ok

The door then opens

Robin : hi
Tegan ; hi
Robin : got some medcation for u
Tegan : thank u

I take the pills

Robin ; how u feeling
Tegan : like crap but im not gonna let it effect me
Robin : u do need rest
Tegan : its all i ever do i miss tap dancing with my mom going out with frineds travling . And just being young and it sucks and I'm in pain 24/7 and i just wish things would go back to the way they were
Robin ; i know its a horrible thing u miss the things u used to be able to do

I start coughing

Jonah : take it easy
Tegan : i want to go hone
Robin : i don't think its a good idea
Tegan ; i want to discharge myself
Robin : aleast stay here the night 
Tegan : only tonight and then im going in the morning
Robin ; ok thank u

She goes

Jonah : are u ok
Tegan :fine

I go to the bathroom shutting the door  and i slid down the wall and i start crying .

Jonah : can i come in
Tegan : no
Jonah : tuff

He comes in and i wipe my face he sits down next to me

Jonah ; your not fine but its ok i know if i was u i woudent be ok i would be so scared .
Tegan : i just hate it i miss my old life mean dance and music were just my everything . I can't dance cause my lungs are so crappy and i get tired after 5 minutes of singing . I miss it
Jonah ; once u beat the shit out of cancer you'll be able to go back to all
Tegan : we don't know that
Jonah ; for god sake just think postive because if u keep thinking negative bad things are gonna keep happeing
Tegan : ok

We both go quite

Jonah : right this bathroom is digusting i recommend we get out of here before we catch something

I let out a little laugh and he pulls me up and i go strigh into him and we look at each other for a while . Until he kisses me and i kiss him back but i quickly push him off

Tegan : no

I walk out

Jonah ; sorry
Tegan : please leave i want to sleep
Jonah ; ok...sorry

He walks out

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