Romeo : morning hoe
Tegan : i screwed your best friend
Romeo : what
Tegan : joking but i need to go
Romeo : can't wait for u to come back and u say u have std
Tegan : totally

I walk out the door and i get in my car driving to the doctors and i sign in and i wait for a while until my name gets called . And i go in telling him all my symptoms so they do a load of testes and cheak my breathing its all fun

Mac : u have asthma so I'll give u a pump u take it when ever u get shortness of breath .
Tegan ; yay not dying
Mac : no your not and with the pump just come back when it starts to get low . And were give u a new one
Tegan : thanks

He gives me a pump and tells me what to do with it even tho i know what im doing. 

Tegan : thanks
Mac : your free to go
Tegan : ok

I get up walking out and i get in my car driving home

Romeo : stds
Tegan ; asthma
Romeo : dang it
Tegan : ha suck it
Romeo : by the way mom and dad both got pulled into work so your stuck with me
Tegan : fml
Romeo : ha
Tegan : go film a tik tok or something
Romeo : i need your help to film
Tegan : wet
Romeo : so are u so help me
Tegan : fine

We go upstairs and i film his tik tok for him

Tegan ; your 21 and your making tik tok
Romeo : go away its funny

I start coughing

Tegan : Jesus i need to sit my head
Romeo : go on then

I go to my room and i lay down and i get a message so i grab my phone

Jonah : aren't u at the cafe today or did i miss u ?

Tegan : didn't go today moms working

Jonah ; oh shame i was looking forward to seeing u

Tegan : I'm sorry

Jonah : better be

Tegan : but hey u can get me a coffee then u can see me

Jonah ; ok what do u want

Tegan ; I'm joking

Jonah : im not what do u want I'll drop it wherever u want

Tegan ; ok iced coffee my house

Jonah : do u live at the same place

Tegan : no ( adress)

Jonah ; ok be there in a 10

Tegan : ok 😂

While i wait i go on my phone for a bit

Romeo : hoe jonahs here
Tegan : thanks

I get up going down stairs and im comlepty out of breath so i use my pump

Tegan : u are the best thank u
Jonah ; of course

I get my wallet giving him 5 dollers

Jonah : no need
Tegan : yes i need to pay u
Jonah : no u don't I've got it
Tegan : please just take the money
Jonah ; nope
Tegan : fine

I sit down on the sofa

Tegan : u can sit i don't bite
Romeo : she dose
Jonah ; bitings fine

I let out a little laugh

Romeo : right im gonna see soon to be mrs cooper
Tegan : can't belive your marrying one of my best friend
Romeo : ha bye

He goes

Jonah : hes getting married last time i saw him he was a fuck boy
Tegan : he changed once he met my bestfriend
Jonah ; whos your best friend
Tegan : she didn't go to our school but lily birks
Jonah ; ah ok so how do u feel about them then
Tegan ; im chill with it they love each other
Jonah : i would nit allow Esther to date any of my friends
Tegan : but u can't help who u fall in love with
Jonah : i guess but not like she would do that anyway
Tegan : mhm

don't let go / jonah maraisWhere stories live. Discover now